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Victoria Street and Broomspring Lane


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Is there anyone who use to live in Victoria Street or Broomspring Lane between 1956 to

1962 in the late 50's age group ?

If YES, can you remember the 2 grocery shops in Victoria Street..... Turners on the corner and Ibbotsons further up. At the top of Victoria Street there was a shop called Sharmens

that use to sell assorted cheese's and coffee beans on open display in tea chest's - my nan use to take me in when I was a child and I loved the smell of the shop.

Going on to Broomspring lane opposit Springfield school, there was a butchers, fruitshop and a sweetshop...... my nan use to give me a thre'penny piece and I would treat myself to 4 blackjacks or 4 fruitsalad chews for a penny, a stick of hard liquorice for another penny and a banana flavoured arrowbar - sometimes I would go for the thre'penny luckybag

A bit further up Broomspring lane there use to be a cobblers and at the side of that a fish and chip shop.

Remember the coal wagon coming every Friday and putting 2 -3 bags down our grate, I use to love going down into the cellar and playing amongst the coal breaking it up into smaller pieces. there use to be a pop man who also came around in a wagon and you could get an assortment of different flavours very cheaply.

Looking back on my childhood they were great days, use to make trolleys out of old pram wheels and race them, put a book on a roller skate - sit on it and come down Victoria Street from the top at breakneck speed !

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Hi, I remember Victoria St in the 1940s Sharmans was on Glossop Road, Victoria St continued across the road up to the old Jessops Hospital, there was a small church on the left, I think it is still there. on the right opposite was a power station of sorts (only a small unit).

At the very top of the Street, just round the corner was a small shop selling groceries etc, the name of the owners was Kidd, I think that has now gone.

We lived in the Street from 1940 to about 1951. Best Wishes

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During my time at Springfield School.1935-1944 the Butchers was Hoggs,my Mum always bought her meat from there,the sweetshop was Lockwoods, the cobblers Westleys again patronised by our family, and the fish and chip shop Ibbottsons, my Dads cousin married Mrs Ibbottsons son Horace,was the drinks man the Corona company?

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During my time at Springfield School.1935-1944 the Butchers was Hoggs,my Mum always bought her meat from there,the sweetshop was Lockwoods, the cobblers Westleys again patronised by our family, and the fish and chip shop Ibbottsons, my Dads cousin married Mrs Ibbottsons son Horace,was the drinks man the Corona company?


hiya highnote, remember the beer off on the corner the name was hughes, and lockwoods the sweet shop next door, then the friut shop where we'd get our 1d lollies, if you got what we called a namer one with the fruitshop name on the stick underneath the ice they gave you a free one, i remember the butchers shop hoggs there were three shops i think they were brothers, one was where you stated across from the school another was by the broomhall pub its back was in thomas street up the big yard with the stables ponies were in the stables i heard from my gran the hoggs used to use the rear to do their killing many years before, the other was by the side of beryls shop and crooks's tobacconist.two barbers three ladies hairdressers one as eveline shortland there were two more butchers wards and another one,

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Hi, I remember Victoria St in the 1940s Sharmans was on Glossop Road, Victoria St continued across the road up to the old Jessops Hospital, there was a small church on the left, I think it is still there. on the right opposite was a power station of sorts (only a small unit).

At the very top of the Street, just round the corner was a small shop selling groceries etc, the name of the owners was Kidd, I think that has now gone.

We lived in the Street from 1940 to about 1951. Best Wishes


Hello vilink,

Victoria Street finished at Glossop Road baths, the road leading up to Jessops Hospital was called Regent Street, near the top of Regent Street on the left was a chip shop....my nan use to send me there for our chips and fish every Friday lunchtime.

The church you refer to was on the right opposit Jessops Hospital and was called St, Georges - think it was in the 60's that a young woman was murdered there.

You left the street in the same year I was born.



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During my time at Springfield School.1935-1944 the Butchers was Hoggs,my Mum always bought her meat from there,the sweetshop was Lockwoods, the cobblers Westleys again patronised by our family, and the fish and chip shop Ibbottsons, my Dads cousin married Mrs Ibbottsons son Horace,was the drinks man the Corona company?


Hello highnote,

Come to think of it, I think the sweetshop was called Lockwoods.

Can't remember the name of the butchers or chippy though.

Think the drinks company could have been called Corona.



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We lived at the top end of Broomspring Lane from around 1964 to 1967 I think our number was 151 our daughter was born in that house, there was a pub opposite. I had 3 kids under 3 yrs old at the time my daughter was born, and I never seemed to be away from the childrens Hospital for one reason or an other, it's a good job the hospital was within walking distance.

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Hi JOHN HABS, Victoria Street did continue up to the old Jessops Hospital, the little church I refer to is near the top on the left hand side, it is still there!

Regent Street is lower down Glossop Road and runs at the side of the new Sinclairs Building, between Victoria St and Regent St you have Regent Terrace.

I think Hrrison's Steeple Jacks was at the top of Victoria St on the right hand corner.

Still nice to remember those days. Thanks

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I'm looking fro a photo we took of the church in Victoria St, can't find it at the moment, and we do not recall what denomination the church was.

St Geoge's church is opposite the top on Regent St although it is no longer used as a church.

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