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Easily Irritated..AQI GRRRRRRR!

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So maybe I am impatient, maybe I do sometimes get easily irritated and easily annoyed. oddly enough, its usually other people and their god dam annoying mannerisms that annoy me. I have re-developed my utter contempt and seething dislike of that stupid A.Q.I way of talking!!!!!! For those of you who are lucky enough not to be aware of A.Q.I. I will endeavor to enlighten you (It is difficult to do by the written word though)

A.Q.I (Australian Question Intonation) Is that unbelievably irritating way of talking where right at the end of a sentence the the tone goes up a little so most sentences end up sounding like questions, even statements sound like a question! Coupled together with over use of the words "Like" and "Really cool" it makes for a vomit-fest for any poor individual within hearing range of it!


So I am on a train today, sitting there reading, doing my best to get my head around Michel Foulcault "Discipline and Punish" and low and behold 6 bleedin studenty-types, early twenties, 5 lassies and one effeminite feller sit right in front of me!:(

I am then subjected to 1 hours worth of conversation that seemed to be 90%populated with these phrases.....


"Oh my god"

"Like...I was like, like no way,"

"He/she is a really cool guy"


Im not sure if I am explaining this very well so have a look at this clip where dear Stephen Fry manages to convey the sheer irritation generated by AQI.....



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I think you need to take a chill pill and learn the art of ignoring others - it's well worth the effort - believe me !


LOL believe me, I have tried for years and years Daven but for some reason this REALLY goes through me!

"Its like, just like really like annoying like, and I really like get like really like vexed at it like"

I spent 3 years at Uni being subjected to this ear punishing nonsense lol. Its just a blessed relief to hear someone say..."Na den, ow tha doin?":hihi:

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LOL believe me, I have tried for years and years Daven but for some reason this REALLY goes through me!

"Its like, just like really like annoying like, and I really like get like really like vexed at it like"

I spent 3 years at Uni being subjected to this ear punishing nonsense lol. Its just a blessed relief to hear someone say..."Na den, ow tha doin?":hihi:


Its becoz we isnt fick on here innit ?:)

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Not AQI, but an intonation quirk that makes me want to set fire to things is the way Nicholas Crane's voice goes up and down on Coast. Every sentence he says has exactly the same little tune going on and I just want to climb into the TV and shake him until his vocal chords disintegrate so I can enjoy some landscape porn without wanting to commit violent acts. :rant:

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Cozmo, can I suggest an mp3 player with some in-ear ear phones which reduce outside noise interference? A lovely selection of Chopin and Beethoven piano sonatas would accompany your book and blot out lots of the world rather well.

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Not AQI, but an intonation quirk that makes me want to set fire to things is the way Nicholas Crane's voice goes up and down on Coast. Every sentence he says has exactly the same little tune going on and I just want to climb into the TV and shake him until his vocal chords disintegrate so I can enjoy some landscape porn without wanting to commit violent acts. :rant:


Oh how I agree with you. Love the programme, hate his voice.:rant:

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