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Verbal warning for not working through your break

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I would personally prefer to receive a written warning, not verbal. That way you have it in writing & could use it in any dispute you have in future (constructive dismissal for example).


If you don't have a union but do have a HR department or Health & Safety, have a quiet word with them to find out the legal requirements.


I seem to recall that the company has a duty to do VDU assessments every year or two for those who work with VDUs a lot. Have you had one recently? If not, that might be one way to highlight the fact that you are sat too long at a screen & need to move around. I would request another assessment even if I had had one fairly recently.


Unfortunately I think that legally breaks are a bit of a grey area, so try to be discreet!


Even a verbal warning should be given in writing... if they give you a verbal warning and it is not given in writing -there is no proof that you were given a verbal warning. Runs contrary to the term "verbal warning", I know, but it is a fact that if they want to use a "verbal warning" against you - they have to have given it you in writing.

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Even a verbal warning should be given in writing... if they give you a verbal warning and it is not given in writing -there is no proof that you were given a verbal warning. Runs contrary to the term "verbal warning", I know, but it is a fact that if they want to use a "verbal warning" against you - they have to have given it you in writing.


In effect, a written record that you were given a verbal warning, rather than a written warning. (You're quite right, I just wanted to clarify.)

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I have always been told 15 mins per 4 hours, but thats just a break from looking at the screen, so turning off the display and lookin down to your desk and doing some paperwork counts!


I would check your employment contract with regards to


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By break I mean "Lunch Break" plus before or after your contracted hours. E.g. arriving in the office 20 mins before your time to start but being expected to work.


Apparently not jumping at the chance to work my lunch means I'm not flexible enough and so I have been warned. Another warning I will be fired!


My only issue is I'm on probation as I have not long been here (even though I am yet to see a contract).

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20 minutes every 6 hours, doesn't have to be paid either.


My staff get two 15 minute breaks a day paid, then half an hour lunch unpaid.


You’re too soft, are there any jobs going. :D


The Working Time Regulations 1998 state the following provision for rest breaks at work and time off:


Rest breaks at work


A worker is entitled to an uninterrupted break of 20 minutes when daily working time is more than six hours. It should be a break in working time and should not be taken either at the start, or at the end, of a working day.


Should VDU users be given breaks?


The relevant regulations are the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992. Regulation 4, is concerned with the daily activities of users and states:


'Every employer shall so plan the activities of users at work in his undertaking that their daily work on display screen equipment is periodically interrupted by such breaks or changes of activity as reduce their workload at that equipment.'

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YOU HAVE TO HAVE 3 WRITTEN WARNINGS BEFORE YOU CAN BE FIRED. You are being BULLIED by whoever is telling you this crap - you should see HR immediately. Try to get witnesses/other victims/something in writing. You may have a case for constructive dismissal if you leave & even if you don't it might be worth starting a disciplinary procedure against your supervisor for bullying.


Please start looking for another job. They are not interested in you and expect you to be a robot.


Do you have to ask permission to go to the loo?!

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By break I mean "Lunch Break" plus before or after your contracted hours. E.g. arriving in the office 20 mins before your time to start but being expected to work.


Apparently not jumping at the chance to work my lunch means I'm not flexible enough and so I have been warned. Another warning I will be fired!


My only issue is I'm on probation as I have not long been here (even though I am yet to see a contract).



You'd better get back to your work quick! Let's hope for your sake they don't monitor internet useage!;)

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