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Woman on CCTV dumping kitten into bin!


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...No, it's not at all amusing:- it isn't a "jape", it's unnecessarily cruel and cruelly unnecessary. ...

She does seem to be confusing 'funny' with 'reprehensible'.


The key, of course, is her 'it's just a cat' comment. That attitude to animals is the basis of so much mindless neglect and cruelty.

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What I found odd was that she claimed it was an impulsive thing, she was fussing the kitten then decided it would be fun to put it in the bin. But the CCTV footage clearly shows her looking round to make sure the coast was clear before she enticed the kitten towards her and the bin. Definitely malice aforethought, not just a joke.


Having said that I'd probably go as far as throwing eggs at her rather than the talibanesque punishments that some people are suggesting.

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...Definitely malice aforethought, not just a joke. ...

It seems possible that the 'joke' comment might be some strenuous back-pedalling after being rumbled. Perhaps she's had cat poo in her borders once too often, and is carrying out an example of what the frothers and foamers on here threaten to do on the bi-monthly 'cats are the spawn of the devil' threads.


Perhaps the response might make others pause before acting so vilely.

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Please can I just say a big thankyou for letting me join in with you all on this issue.


At least we all now know who the culprit is and she knows we know. Lets hope she is not just given a wrist slap from the RSPCA and that it acts as some form of deterrent for the future, then some good at least will have come out of it.


Her apology seemed to me very insinscere and had to be prompted. When asked if she is sorry she said "of course i am" with not a hint of emotion that i detected anyway.


The best bit is little Lola is getting the VIC treatment and showered with goodies. Perhaps the safest way in the end though is to keep cats in so this sort of thing and so much worse cannot happen again.


There are so many dangers out there, once again thankyou.

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Apparently they had been searching but didn't hear cat miaowing until next day and then checked CCTV:D
That's what the pretend newspaper The Sun said. However when I saw the owners interviewed about it on TV, they only heard her mewing when going off to Sunday Lunch and only afterwards did they check the CCTV to see who did it. I doubt I'd be going out to lunch if I one of my moggies had been missing since previous day.
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You are so right, I think a bit of perspective is being lost somewhere along the line, I have to say that I am finding the reading of this thread rather unpleasant.
I wonder how many of those being violently threatening to this woman over her actions eat meat. I bet most of them, yet the suffering the majority of animals go through to feed us is far worse.

See this video for an example


or watch the film Food Inc about the American food industry - not that things are much differnet here.

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eKYyD14d_0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eKYyD14d_0[/url ]One extremely shocking nugget of info from Food Inc, is that criticising the US food industry is not protected by the right to free speech.

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I wonder how many of those being violently threatening to this woman over her actions eat meat. I bet most of them, yet the suffering the majority of animals go through to feed us is far worse.

See this video for an example


or watch the film Food Inc about the American food industry - not that things are much differnet here.

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eKYyD14d_0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eKYyD14d_0[/url ]One extremely shocking nugget of info from Food Inc, is that criticising the US food industry is not protected by the right to free speech.


I have been sat trying to figure how a domestic cat downright cruelty issue can be compared to being carniverous or veggie? To take this to the extremes how do we know lettuce dont feel pain and should all carniverous animals be vegetarian in an ideal world maybe?


From the age of the Dinosaurs there have always been carnivours and herbivours, that is nature. Deliberate cruelty is not.

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I know the irony was not lost on me, but I really can't see the point in the comparison and the comment added absolutely nothing to the thread, plus I am getting fed up of people trying to wind up the group.
The comment was not a wind up, but trying to put into perspective the violent over reaction by some people over this regrettable incident, particularly when compared to much greater suffering elsewhere.
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