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Woman on CCTV dumping kitten into bin!


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What rights do the RSPCA have to prosecute anyone.

My understanding is that the police arrest and the CPS prosecute it seems in the case of animals that the police back off and let the RSPCA take on their responsibilities.

There is another thread on the forum condemming vigilantes in Pakistan and here it is cried out for.

It's a strange old world.

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I can't believe the police are saying they haven't arrested her as she hasn't broken any laws - time to make a new law I think - no throwing animals into rubbish bins to be taken away and crushed by the bin wagon. :rant:


Whilst I wholeheartedly condemn what she did, since it didn't result in any lasting harm coming to the cat there's very little that she can be charged with.


There's a crime of endangering a child, but there isn't one similar for animals.


The really sad thing is that for her to be prosecuted she would have to be shown to have actually hurt the cat, so for all of those who are braying for her to be prosecuted- would you have preferred for her to have actually hurt the cat instead?

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I find it a tad bizzarre that the people who owned the cat weren't actively looking for it, as the poor moggie had been in the bin since previous day. Did they not even realise it was missing?


Apparently they had been searching but didn't hear cat miaowing until next day and then checked CCTV:D

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Whilst I wholeheartedly condemn what she did, since it didn't result in any lasting harm coming to the cat there's very little that she can be charged with.


There's a crime of endangering a child, but there isn't one similar for animals.


The really sad thing is that for her to be prosecuted she would have to be shown to have actually hurt the cat, so for all of those who are braying for her to be prosecuted- would you have preferred for her to have actually hurt the cat instead?


That's what she did to a cat on an open street, what does she do to ones that go in her garden, poison them maybe? You keep reading about that in the papers.


As I said earlier, not a cat person, don't like the way they move, smell or walk on kitchen counters, but I'd like to introduce her face to my dad's cricket bat

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I find these sort of threads shocking and not only because of what the person concerned did to the animal, often that almost pales into insignificance when you read what people would like to happen to the perpetrator...my Mother always used to say be careful of what you wish on others as it may just come to you :(.

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This is all a bit over the top. Yes it's terrible but hundreds of animals endure much worse treatment every day at the hands of humans. Make that hundreds of thousands if you count "livestock"


You are so right, I think a bit of perspective is being lost somewhere along the line, I have to say that I am finding the reading of this thread rather unpleasant.

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