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Woman on CCTV dumping kitten into bin!


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You are so right, I think a bit of perspective is being lost somewhere along the line, I have to say that I am finding the reading of this thread rather unpleasant.


Me too, it seems really bizarre considering all the awful things people do to animals. I think this particular woman may be a tad senile or mentally ill like you said. Can't believe it's got so much media coverage when much much worse is happening out there.

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Me too, it seems really bizarre considering all the awful things people do to animals. I think this particular woman may be a tad senile or mentally ill like you said. Can't believe it's got so much media coverage when much much worse is happening out there.


Most likely because it was caught on CCTV.


I suppose the theory is the more people see it, the more likely it is that someone will recognise her and she will be brought to justice.

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Having had the opportunity to give my twopenneth to this issue I thankyou.


I must say though that i do feel that us animal lovers out here have been hurt mentally and physically by having to witness this poor cats ordeal at the hands of this reprobate and the implication that we have overeacted is in my opinion unfounded.

It is only a normal sane reaction to a crime against a defenceless cat whether or not the law recognises it as such is irrelevent, the law should be changed immediately, it is morally wrong in any event and downright cruelty. I hope she is running scared for the rest of her life and I reiterate my previous comments the cat would definately have suffered mentally and physically trying to climb out for 15 hours. THAT is cruelty

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I find these sort of threads shocking and not only because of what the person concerned did to the animal, often that almost pales into insignificance when you read what people would like to happen to the perpetrator...my Mother always used to say be careful of what you wish on others as it may just come to you :(.


You are so right, I think a bit of perspective is being lost somewhere along the line, I have to say that I am finding the reading of this thread rather unpleasant.


My feelings exactly Moonbird. Believe it or believe it not, I don't like the idea of cats being puts in bins any more than you do - but I can't sit on my hands and ignore the almost hysterical responses from some folk who propose outrageous acts of violent revenge. It's as if the woman tore the poor creature limb from limb and then eat it.

It genuinely puzzles me that our views are as close as they appear to be, yet much of what I've said here has been removed. I guess your first responsibility is toward the cat lovers; fair do's, but with respect I'm not going to just dissappear and remain silent. I'm not a pet owner myself, but various of my friends and family are - and the next time there's a thread of this type ( and we both know there will be, sadly ) I shall be around.

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Having had the opportunity to give my twopenneth to this issue I thankyou.


I must say though that i do feel that us animal lovers out here have been hurt mentally and physically by having to witness this poor cats ordeal at the hands of this reprobate and the implication that we have overeacted is in my opinion unfounded.


Kestle - you suggest that yourself and others have been hurt by having to witness this wopmans actions. You didn't have to witness them though did you? Knowing you find this kind of thing distressing you could have chosen not to view the footage could you not? I accept that you find such things mentally distressing, but you say also that people have been physically hurt. This is clearly impossible.




'A brick through her window might make her see sense'


'its people like this what deserve to [hang]'


'I hope she gets what she deserves preferably left in a wheelie bin on a boiling hot day, with the lid fastened down. '


'hopefully she will pay 10 fold in all ways imaginable.....possibly by going on safari and being eaten by a lion.....evil, evil B**CH! '


'I hope.....people hurl abuse at her in the streets.'


Yes, I think it's overreaction. The woman may well be mentally ill and even if she isn't I find it hard to imagine she'll feel anything other than a deep sense of shame and embarrassment at what she's done.

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What a disturbingly imaginative lot we are when it comes to conjuring up ideas for retribution...


My first thought was that this was some bizarre publicity stunt, or an attempt to have a video go viral; that camera was conveniently aimed at just the right spot.


Disengaging cynic mode, the best I can say about the woman is that either she's a thoroughly unpleasant specimen, or not all her dogs are barking.

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...The woman may well be mentally ill and even if she isn't I find it hard to imagine she'll feel anything other than a deep sense of shame and embarrassment at what she's done.

Assuming she's otherwise fully compos mentis, I think it's more likely that she'll be shocked by all the fuss this has created, stunned that others aren't viewing it as anything other than the opportunity for a jolly jape she apparently considers it to be, and peeved that she's on the receiving end of others' incredulity.


I'm sure she'll have a freshly-minted - and, of course, entirely genuine - compassion gland just in time for the inevitable contrite public apology...

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Kestle - you suggest that yourself and others have been hurt by having to witness this wopmans actions. You didn't have to witness them though did you? Knowing you find this kind of thing distressing you could have chosen not to view the footage could you not? I accept that you find such things mentally distressing, but you say also that people have been physically hurt. This is clearly impossible.




'A brick through her window might make her see sense'


'its people like this what deserve to [hang]'


'I hope she gets what she deserves preferably left in a wheelie bin on a boiling hot day, with the lid fastened down. '


'hopefully she will pay 10 fold in all ways imaginable.....possibly by going on safari and being eaten by a lion.....evil, evil B**CH! '


'I hope.....people hurl abuse at her in the streets.'


Yes, I think it's overreaction. The woman may well be mentally ill and even if she isn't I find it hard to imagine she'll feel anything other than a deep sense of shame and embarrassment at what she's done.


OK well (providing i am allowed to react to your direct opinion of my views by the powers that be on here), my reaction is that I had no choice at witnessing the cruelty.

Not being able to predict the news, I was given no choice as it suddenly appeared on my tv screen, much to my disgust and yes it made me feel physically sick and mentally heartbroken to see it. I know i am not the only one who feels protective towards animals.


What you dont know about me is that I have dedicated my entire life to rescueing animals of all species, including wildlife, and could write a book on my personal experiences over the years of cruelty by the human race towards animals birds reptiles etc.

Like you I feel entitled to react and to speak on behalf of those unable to speak for themselves, and yes I would sheild every one of them if I could even if it it meant me dying trying.


You are giving conflicting opinions and it sounds as if you are enjoying the deliberate windups I am not biting or taking your bait. I am simply stating my views and if you have never felt physically ill by witnessing a traumatic event you are lucky or possibly oblivious to the suffering of others.

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