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Tunisia anyone been?

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I went to Tunisia last year with two friends and wouldn't go again. But that was simply because we are all blonde, relatlvely atractive and in our early 20s, so we got hassled wherever we went. We couldn't even enjoy a drink in our hotel bar without getting unwanted attention, and the men don't take no for an answer.


In my experience it's totally unsuitable for a girls-only holiday, but it's a beautiful country so if you are going as part of a couple, family, or are a bit older then you should really enjoy it.

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I went when I was about 13-14 and although it is quite a nice place, i wouldn't go again! just because i have blonde hair! (which at the time was very long + blonde! I got hassle from so many blokes even though i was only young! and even when they found out how young i was they either tried to buy me off my parents (for camels i may add!) or moved onto my mum who is also blonde! and to top it all off, i was proposed to, by some dodgy hotel photographer (apparently he wanted me to stay there and tried to get me to go out shopping for a ring!!)


if i was to go again, i would definatly dye my hair!

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Originally posted by spyro2000

So as long a you are not blonde its alright to go?


Well, if you look anything like your picture Spiro then yup, I think you'd be okay!!!! :thumbsup:


But seriously - the Tunisian guys do have a thing for women with blonde hair. It must be because it's exotic compared to the women with dark hair they're used to seeing. And for some reason (culture, religion, whatever) they seem to see blonde hair as a green light. Perhaps they have heard slutty stories about us Western blondes? Perhaps it's fueled by all these silly women you read about who go over to places like Turkey, fall in love with a barman, and then get conned.


Who knows?


But these three blondes (myself and pals) were most definitely NOT interested in their advances. Like I said though, they don't take no for an answer, which can be quite intimidating when groups of them are following you down the street or trying to corner you in the market. They also 'grab' at you quite a lot and try to pull your arm or usher you away from your friends.


And for the record, with the exception of the beach, we all dressed conservatively the whole time in an effort not to attract attention. We stuck to jeans and long skirts when going out at night, and wore long sleaves at the markets.


Having long blonde hair often provokes a reaction in foreign countries. When I went travelling in South America little kids used to ask me if I was a princess, because they only time they ever saw blondes were in fairy story picture books. Sadly though, in Tunisia blondes arn't treated like princesses, they are treated like currency, potential wives, or sluts!!!

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Originally posted by nikita

Has anyone been to Tunisia we are thinking of going for a holiday has anyone that has been got any tips on it.


The tip is don't go!


It was the worst place I have ever been to.


I went a few years ago with my Mum and it's not just blonds that get hassled continually its every Woman. They whistled and swarmed us like bee's, the only way we found to calm them down was if were walking with a Man.


We ended up being confined to the hotel, which wasn't that nice and the food was horrible :gag: I didn't eat for 4 days just drank, causing me to faint when we finally reached the airport coming home, which was the best part of the holiday :clap:

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Someone said you have to fill in visa forms at the airport and pay£5 each is this right.We are going with 3 children the six year old is very blonde and very pretty so i will not be taking my eyes off her.

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Originally posted by nikita

Someone said you have to fill in visa forms at the airport and pay£5 each is this right.We are going with 3 children the six year old is very blonde and very pretty so i will not be taking my eyes off her.


Depends how many camels you are offered for her I suppose Nikita???? ;)


Seriously though, I couldn't comment on how they are with children, but I would be very warey.


When I was there we still went out and about because we're a very assertive bunch. We're also quite tall (I'm 5'8'' in stocking feet) and the guys are quite short, which helped. But there were a few nights when we chose to stay in our hotel room with a bottle of wine rather than face the bars. As I said before, we're all in our early 20s so had planned on a few nights out, but sometimes we just couldn't be bothered will all the hassle.

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