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Tunisia anyone been?

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I wouldn't recommend Tunisia for a holiday...my reasons..


1. I have long blonde hair so received 'a lot' of unwanted attention regardless of having a man with me!!


2. It was unbearably hot with no wind.


3. You could NOT relax anywhere beach or pool without beggars or street traders 'pawing' you.


4. The beaches were full of camel shiate..!


5. Alcoholic drinks were very expensive and Tunisia is primarily a non-drinking country so alchohol is imported.


6. In the cities...Tunis and Sousse there were children as young as 2/3 alone begging...it broke my heart. Some had limbs missing and the Reps told us many are 'maimed' by their own parents in order to beg for the food as there will be 5 or so other children at home...shocking..but that is how many families survive.


7. The hotel was very basic even though it was rated 4 star...I have experienced better in a 2 star hotel in Europe!


I stayed in Hammamet in the 90's!



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Went 3 years ago to Hammamet


Had a good holiday except for: -


- Being hassled to DEATH to buy stuff. We went on a trip to a small village somewhere so i decided to buy my mum a fluffy bear thing as a gift. Soon as i walked off with it, one of the other stall holders started trying to get it off me shouting "this is mine now!!!". Another place we went they were bringing stuff up to you and trying to shove it under your armpit or balance it on your bag to make out you want to buy it. NOT GOOD!! :rant:


- Going out of the hotel at night is a definate no-no!! Even though my girlfriend got a bit of hassle it was me that got most of the attention. Cos i'm failrly well built (from doing weights) they used to shout "hey Rambo - hey Sylvester Stallone" across the street all the time :suspect:


- When we bought some cigs to take back home for someone from a store, the shop owner took our money and demanded she keep the change cos her family was poor!! :nono:


- There are no bars outside the hotel. We went into Hammamet one night and decided to go into some Starbuck's type place for a coffee. We picked this place cos it looked quite westernised but as soon as we walked in all eyes were on us - as if we were aliens or something :loopy:


We went on a trip to the capital one day and it was like stepping back into the 60's!


We got very tired of having to stay around the hotel as going out was a waste of time and TBH quite intimidating, especially at night.


I fancied doing one of the saraha trips, but after the above experiences, considered it prudent to give it a miss.


I could go on ......


Don't get me wrong, the hotels are like palaces, the beaches are very nice and pretty quiet and the food is very good too.

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I would definately go again, went with my other half in Jan this year, weather not great but really beautiful.


We went quad biking in the desert for a 4 hr trip, was amazing, got caught in a hail storm and ended up sheltering with our guide in a nomads hut, very bizarre!


You don't have to pay for a visa at the airport, we just queued up, had passports stamped and went through, had to fill in a visa waiver form but much the same as the one for the US.


As for getting hassle in the markets in does get frustrating and people did try and scam us, best advice is be streetwise, keep hold of each other and wear sunglasses so people can't make eye contact or see where you are looking - this really makes a difference.


In terms of shopping you can get some really good deals on silver and leather goods (1/3rd of what you pay here at least) and its always good to try and play good cop / bad cop to get the best deal, remember to walk away and they will lower the price.


Try and get a hotel that is all inclusive, food is generally ok and free drink all day long! Also tend to be good for kids activities.


Hope you have a wonderful time if you do go!

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Have decided to go we are taking 3children so wont be going away from hotel at night and the hotel is only 2 years old the entertainment looks good and we are all inclusive.It is all a bit last minute because we found out by chance that the holiday firm we had booked to go to tenerife with on the 24sep has gone bust so it is a big panic to find something else at short notice and this came up so we are taking the chance

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Good luck Nikita!


Don't let us put you off or worry you if you've already booked it. Just keep your wits about you and I'm sure you'll have a great time.


If not, your bound to come back with a few camels in exchange for your kids!!!!


Every cloud has a silver lining! You'll have the only camel herd in Sheffield!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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  • 8 months later...

I really loved the place.

Went on a trip to the south and enjoyed seeing the proper Sahara. Also went to the most AMAZING museum: Bardot musuem in Tunis, full of wonderful, huge mosiacs.

Also went to El-Jem, a huge Roman amphitheatre.


The stallholders are a little intense, particularly if you go to the Medinas (walled old part of towns). We found it fine, just don't show too much interest in any one particular stall or make eye contact cos you'll find it more difficult getting rid.


Beautiful country and a nice idea of how a muslim country could be run (Saudi: learn the lesson). The guide was honest enough to say that the opposition to their president of 20 years was "weak". Says a lot.....

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We went to Monaster a few years ago and stayed in an all inclusive hotel called sahara beach.It was a great hotel, indoor pool sports the lot.The only problem was the food!.The hotel held about 500 people and nearly 200 got food poisoning.The hygene over there is terrible and we saw meat deliveries left out in the sun for hours.We travelled a bit but were advised to eat plenty of fruit ete.Woudnt go again and didnt really rate the place.Having been thro egypt i have to say the food and generall hygene was 100% compared to Tunisia.:)

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I think it's one of the best holidays I've ever had!

Make sure you do the sahara trip. Very tiring but you pack so much into 2 days. I went to El Jem previously mentioned, to the red mountains, the salt lakes, Matamata where star wars was filmed and the best bit the camels.Also to an oasis which was NOTHING like what i thought it would be. The best additional £100 I've ever spent on holiday.


They do like blonde hair and i wouldn't advise it for a relaxing all female holiday. When i was with my then b/f everything was fine but one day i went out on my own (I'm dark) and got my bum pinched five times just crossing a street!


They do have flies - lots of them. Be warned!

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