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Tunisia anyone been?

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I first went to Tunisia 25 years ago there was hardly anything there ! Iv been back twice more recently once to Saharah beach at Sousse once to Hannabal Palace in Port el Kantaoui .

I love Tunisia its different, the people are mostly very friendly .The hotels Iv stayed in have been very clean although you never know whats going on in the kitchens ,but that applies to anywhere .

The streets can be scruffy and you see some gruesome souvenirs in the shops .You can also see fantastic Roman ruins,some lovely buildings and great beaches .

I hope to get back there before too long to do that Sahara desert trip !

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We went to Monaster a few years ago and stayed in an all inclusive hotel called sahara beach.It was a great hotel, indoor pool sports the lot.The only problem was the food!.The hotel held about 500 people and nearly 200 got food poisoning.The hygene over there is terrible and we saw meat deliveries left out in the sun for hours.We travelled a bit but were advised to eat plenty of fruit ete.Woudnt go again and didnt really rate the place.Having been thro egypt i have to say the food and generall hygene was 100% compared to Tunisia.:)


OOOH I've been to the sahara beach !!


Loved it ! We have been 4 times over the years, TBH never had a problem but I heard about the food poisoning incident, there was a terrorist attack there too - about 15 years ago mind. Lovely place I have recommended it to a few friends and they have all been and enjoyed it as well. There is a hotel next door to it - LHS if looking from the beach, that had a lovely bar in it, seem to think it was called the midnight bar or something similar & the sahara beach has a club in it too - or it used to anyway.

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Year tomorrow my mum died from being run over by a taxi there.


So, my only experience is two weeks visiting an ICU in Sousse.


I wouldn't normally post something so unhelpful, but the timing was wrong.




That's awful, so sorry to hear about your mum x

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I must admit a lot of the tell-it-like-it-is comments on this thread about how females are treated are exactly the sort of thing I need to know when I go on holiday, as a female travelling alone. But there seems to be a PC embargo on mentioning the reality of how women are treated in many places in guide books and brochures. And it's been useful also because Tunisia is somewhere that has a lot of single traveller deals!


I've had holidays ruined because I've been seen as meat, or openly scorned by one and all for being independent and childless, or just hassled so much it's impossible to relax. Luckily I've found a country that is 95% harrassment free so I'll just keep going there and be treated as a human being. (And I'll not mention which country it is as I've already raved about it twice today on SF and I'll start to look like a woman obsessed). :cool:

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Just make sure you can say 'NO' quite clearly and forcefully, there are people trying to sell you stuff every where. If there are men that come up to you and gi ve you a drink then say no as well, the drinks are fine but it will seem like they are your friend, and then when you've finished they'll charge you an extortionate price for it!


Its true the people can be a bit pushy, because its such a poor country they will try everything to get you to buy stuff!

We went to a shopping centre and I was trying on a skirt in this very nice shop, when the saleswoman came in the changing room and started trying to help me put it on!!!


BUT the weather is glorious, it wasn't cold for a second while we were there, and the hotel we stayed in was lovely too. The beaches are great, very clean in general, and lovely clear sea.

Also plenty of things to do; we went to the most amazing 'African Dream' experience, at an animal park and then were treated to a 5 course dinner and traditional african singing and dnacing, great fun!


Also went camel riding, a bit painful on the bum but great fun. And yes, i fed one .... but I DIDNT KISS IT!!




Have a fab time! :D

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So as long a you are not blonde its alright to go?


Not true


I went with my mom who is also Blonde for my 21st. Yeah we got attention but nothing we couldn't handle. But then again we didn't go out of the All Inclusive resort. I didn't want to. We also met a lot of british and spent our time with them so i guess they wouldn't bother a huge group anyways.


The Restaurant manager wanted to buy me for camels mind, but you don't take them seriously do ya. :rolleyes:

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Tunisia is a facinating country if you take the time to venture away from the tourist areas. As said in previous posts, there is a lot to see and many places to explore from the Sahara to the Roman amphitheatre at El-Jem. Admittedly, you will get harrassed regardless of your sex, but a firm no sees them off. I wouldn't advise going to Tunisia if you are just looking for a beach holiday due to the level of interest you may get from the locals which will make relaxing a impossibility and the fact the facilities are really poor in comparison to European beach resorts. I would, however, recommend going if you want to explore and see the true Tunisia.

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