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Meaning of a Dream

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I had a very strange dream last night..I dreamt that I was at my partners sister-in-law's parents' house (if that makes sense), but it wasn't their normal house, it was somewhere different.


Anyway, I don't know where it appeared from, but all of a sudden a tiger was in the garden where we were all sat having a BBQ. Nobody else seemed nervous or scared, like it was just an average pet. It took a disliking to me and started chasing me, but everyone was laughing; not laughing at me but a kinda laugh where they thought me and the tiger were playing some sort of chasing game. So I was running around the house being properly chased by this tiger, and I managed to hide inside a cupboard & lock myself in there until the next day. When I came out, I was really scared that the tiger was there waiting for me, and when I explained to everyone, nobody had any recollection of this tiger?!


I know that dreams usually mean something, and I was wondering if anybody knew what this means/could mean? This is the first time I have had this sort of dream. In it, I felt like I was running for quite a while to escape the tiger and find somewhere to get away from it.



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I don't know what dreams mean but I wish I did.


I have some insane dreams, usually every night.


The other night I had a dream that I pulled up in the car outside my house and everyone were stood on the front garden crying and I were wondering what had happened. My mum came out and told me that my sister had died sooo I started crying and screaming. Then some people came out of the house across the road with my sister chopped into pieces in carrier bags, and they brought the bags out one by one. It were really strange.


Then a couple of nights after that I had a dream that I were at home in my bedroom and I walked through the landing past my sisters room and things where flying about as if there were a ghost. So I were really scared and talked to my mum about it and she told me that she had become friends with some gypsys. My sister started showing me what she could do and I were really freaked out. Then she told me 'if they ever find out that you know they will kill you' and then I were in a room with them and it turns out my sister had killed someone to become her 'ghost slave'. The gypsys where going to kill me but then I woke up lol.


I have some strange dreams every night. I don't understand why.

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Dream interpretation says:-




To see a tiger in your dream, represents power and your ability to exert it in various situations. The dream may also indicate that you need to take more of a leadership role. Alternatively, the tiger represents female sexuality, aggression, and seduction.


To dream that you are attacked by a tiger, symbolizes repressed feelings or emotions that you are frightened of.

To see a caged tiger in your dream, suggests that your repressed feelings are on the verge of surfacing.


To see rugs made of tiger skins, symbolize a life of luxury and ease.



meanings by DreamMoods.com (http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamdictionary)

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I have recurring dreams where someone is chasing me and trying to kill me. They never do, as I have usually woken up in some weird state of panic, by this point. But, they do cut me, and do hurt me during the chase. I have it quite a lot. Always have.

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I have recurring dreams where someone is chasing me and trying to kill me. They never do, as I have usually woken up in some weird state of panic, by this point. But, they do cut me, and do hurt me during the chase. I have it quite a lot. Always have.


I have them quite alot, I never die either. I always wake up just before it's going to get me. I usually wake up screaming and shouting.


I'm glad i'm not the only one :)

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