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Men beating woman what would you do if you saw it in your street..

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I think id try to use minimum force to try and stop the fight. not just to help the women but also possibly to help protect the man. We all know how some women like to wind us men up, knowing just what to say and how to say it and sometimes even assaulting the man first. All the time hiding behind the law and the unwritten rule of 'a man should never law a finger in anger at a women' or something like that. Some men dont have my level of self control and rather than play peacemaker or walk away from the provocative women they would rather give her a slap.


True i understand that as well...x

ive seen it happen loads off times and sometimes am like give her a slap :hihi:

It was a tv program and the girl was sooooooooooooooooo in his face cant remember it now Grrrrr its going to drive me mad all day now...:huh:

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Noooooooooooooooo i cant say i would jump in but i did with me friend but he was a skinny little runt & no were near 19 stone its a tricky one now days with what people carry like knifes and guns...

but i would be the first to pick the phone up and call the police...


That's what myself & Boy Friday were pointing out. Even if they 'look nowt' they may be carrying a knife....who knows. Your instincts will tell you at the time....it's like an 'urban risk assessment'.......where Risk=Hazard x Likelihood of occurance. :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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I'd like to believe I'd intervene, but I guess it depends on instinct at the time, which is difficult to predict.


I did once get out of my car and stop a bunch of lads beating up another one, but they were no more than 14 so I had little worry for my own safety.



very tricky that.....in our job out late at night we see plenty of domestic arguments....i'd probably only intervene if the bloke was being to physical and throwing a few....

mind you the ones i've seen its usually the woman being the aggressor...

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Can you all remember in eastenders was it trevor,

Always beating little mo up and shoveing her head in to a plate of hot dinner how many off us was shouting at the tv to HIT HIM BACK but if it was all vice versa and it was the woman, to the man noone would be shouting if you understand me...

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I would walk on by and mind my own business as some women seem to actively like being in an abusive relationship and wouldn't thank you for getting involved. Here's a typical example.




I think if you'd changed 'actively like' to 'are so damaged and have such appalling self esteem they think they like', I'd probably agree with you.

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I think if you'd changed 'actively like' to 'are so damaged and have such appalling self esteem they think they like', I'd probably agree with you.


I disagree. some women DO like the 'thrills' of an abusive relationship. Some women stay in abusive relationships because the husband gives her a high standard of living that she doesnt want to be without. Some women stay in abusive relationships because throughout it all they still love their man.

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I've witnessed it twice, 1st time, not exactly a beating, but a push, a shove and aggressive shouting, it was early hours and the girl was obviously distressed, I was in bed at the time, (it was summer and the windows were open) I stuck my head out the window and basically called him a bully and would he be as brave if I woke my hubby up and came down, I think it shocked him that someone had actually witnessed his behaviour, and he stormed off.


The second time was on holiday, again in bed, some screaming and shouting was going on outside, after coming out onto the balcony, so did the fella next door and shouted down to leave her alone, at which the guys response was "I'll burn that floofing building down whilst you sleep", then the girl joined in with 'mind your own floofing business'.

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I've witnessed it twice, 1st time, not exactly a beating, but a push, a shove and aggressive shouting, it was early hours and the girl was obviously distressed, I was in bed at the time, (it was summer and the windows were open) I stuck my head out the window and basically called him a bully and would he be as brave if I woke my hubby up and came down, I think it shocked him that someone had actually witnessed his behaviour, and he stormed off.


The second time was on holiday, again in bed, some screaming and shouting was going on outside, after coming out onto the balcony, so did the fella next door and shouted down to leave her alone, at which the guys response was "I'll burn that floofing building down whilst you sleep", then the girl joined in with 'mind your own floofing business'.


Some girls are like that :loopy:

When i was young and daft i had a boyfriend who knocked me around and i would have loved someone to help me in the street but nope thay all just did thay own things and walked past like thay was nothing happening,

I would have loved to have been took away form the kicking and shouting i had from him...

But am 29 now and when i think back i wonder why the blooming hell i stood for it:mad:

If he i ever saw him again a would swing off his adams apple ha ha joke but sometimes some girls would love help from passers by i no i would have when it was happening to me...x

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I stuck my head out the window and basically called him a bully and would he be as brave if I woke my hubby up and came down, I think it shocked him that someone had actually witnessed his behaviour, and he stormed off.


I bet hubby was jumping for joy over being volunteered for that, the most hazardous activity he'd been contemplating before that was getting his leg over :hihi:

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