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DNA Tests Reveal Adolf Hitler Had Jewish & African Relatives

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I'm intrigued to read what the BNP, specifically Mark Collett and Nick Griffin, make of this.


Dunno about Griffin and Collett, but as you can imagine it went down well on a well known white supremacist hatefreak site -


'That's a jewish lying sack of S**t lie.'


'The jew knows to this day what Hitler and his racial wisdom mean for us. So they attack him with as much lies as possible to not just defame him. But to also defame the eternal wisdom he brought forth, which is the salvation of our People to this day and ever after.'


'The good thing about this hoax is that that the Jewry still fears Adolf Hitler because his ideas are not dead. But they should watch out, some of their insane lies could turn into truth next time, one way or another.'


'More kike propaganda b#llsh#t. Will they ever stop defaming our Fuhrer? SIEG HEIL, HEIL HITLER!!!'


'I can barely be assed to comment on such an obvious Jew concocted crock of chite!'

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and at this point in time --it matters exactly, why??


I guess because even now there are people who idolise Hitler and the objective for racial purity, this research shows that even people who believe they're of 'pure' heritage probably aren't.

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Dunno about Griffin and Collett, but as you can imagine it went down well on a well known white supremacist hatefreak site -


'That's a jewish lying sack of S**t lie.'


'The jew knows to this day what Hitler and his racial wisdom mean for us. So they attack him with as much lies as possible to not just defame him. But to also defame the eternal wisdom he brought forth, which is the salvation of our People to this day and ever after.'


'The good thing about this hoax is that that the Jewry still fears Adolf Hitler because his ideas are not dead. But they should watch out, some of their insane lies could turn into truth next time, one way or another.'


'More kike propaganda b#llsh#t. Will they ever stop defaming our Fuhrer? SIEG HEIL, HEIL HITLER!!!'


'I can barely be assed to comment on such an obvious Jew concocted crock of chite!'


Matzo's crackers, the lot of them ;)

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I know Harleyman, it was a metaphor, since even if he did have a grave he'd be unlikely to engage in any kind of physical activity in it ;)


I know it was a metaphor but until the end of Communism very few outside of top Soviet officials knew what happened to Hitler's body after it was taken half burnt from the Chancellory Garden just after the city fell to the Russians but you may have already known that anyway without me telling you.


I've read a couple of books on Hitler, the last one by Albert Speer his armaments minister and close friend.


Apart from being arguably the most evil man in history he is probably the most fascinating. I dont think there ever was or ever will be anyone like him again. To think that from being a down and out. living in a Vienna flophouse to becoming a man who at one time ruled just about all of Europe and held the fate of untold millions in his hands is just mind boggling


I'm pretty certain that in 500 years from now they'll still be talking about him

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Everybody on Earth has African relatives if you trace back far enough.


But it's not quite so straight forward. All the people of the world except black Africans (and black diaspora) are descended from a tiny group of people (possibly less than 200) who decided to make the migration out of Africa. That's everyone, every single one of the other races.


It's not 100% proven, but it's the current thinking based on genetic archaeology called the Out of Africa Theory.


Loads more here - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recent_African_origin_of_modern_humans

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I knew it, Boy Friday!


If it wasn't for that troublesome Jewish and African blood I'm sure he'd have been a lovely little man. :love:











(tongue placed firmly in cheek)


...actually thinking about it Mugabe's definitely got a touch of the Adolph's about him ;)



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