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Are Morrisons chickens good value for money?

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every special offer on meat at morrisons is all inferior quality

it has to be a special offer to get rid of the rubbish


Must say that I have NEVER bought any meat from Morrisons that I haven't enjoyed eating.

I buy my Sunday joint, bacon, mince, chicken (cooked and raw) and all my fresh fish there and have done for at least 15 years.

I've never had any problems except that one of the butchers (old man) is such a miserable sod and quite rude.

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It's funny isn't it how eat meaters are told about free range. Does it matter how ever they get treated, as they are breed to be killed and eaten. I personal am not bothered if the chickens battery or not. If they weren't being killed to feed us, then fair enough as I am not in cruelty to animals and have a lovely Westie and would never do anything to harm him. However, I couldn't care less because they are meant to be killed.


I know I will get flamed on my views as your not allowed to have an opinion in this forum. There is nothing that would prevent me eating meat and have watched programmes on BBC3 where and how they kill chickens, cows etc... abroad and in the UK.





I couldn't agree more. All these free range people are nutters. There is no taste difference at all, it is just their brains making them think it tastes different when it really doesn't. Don't believe the hype folks.

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I go to a shop in handsworth and get chickens that are supermarket brands such as morrisons sainsburys etc and get 2 whole chickens for £4.

Recently bought 4 trays of chicken steaks that are priced up for morrisons at £3.50 each and I got 4 trays for £5.

Dont hurt so much if you haven't paid the earth for them

Your supposed to have a card but they dont check people just float in. Its called M.A.S foods and its on Dore House Industrial Estate right at the very bottom. :o

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I couldn't agree more. All these free range people are nutters. There is no taste difference at all, it is just their brains making them think it tastes different when it really doesn't. Don't believe the hype folks.


Most blind taste tests would say otherwise. Also comparisons in nutrition between cheap and better quality chicken showed a massive difference.


Interesting that some people did prefer the cheap stuff though, it was juicier and softer apparently. Mainly because it is pumped full of water! They did not like the free range and farm chickens, some did not like the texture and taste. The sad thing is that it was probably the first time they had actually tasted what chicken should be like!

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I couldn't agree more. All these free range people are nutters. There is no taste difference at all, it is just their brains making them think it tastes different when it really doesn't. Don't believe the hype folks.


I'd say it was the price that makes them think it tastes better, and a bit of unnatural colouring.

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Tesco chickens .. ewww .. we've bought twice from there because we've had to go into Tesco for something that only they sell .. and twice I have bought chicken breasts that have gone off in the fridge within two days ... well within their sell by date. (Actually, I didnt buy them my husband did as I told him after the first time never to buy fresh meat from Tesco)

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I'd say it was the price that makes them think it tastes better, and a bit of unnatural colouring.


I disagree ... we aren't together as a family much for meals any more, so when we do, we go to Coates the Butchers in Two Dales near Matlock and buy one of Mr. Coates's own chickens that he breeds and kills himself. The meat is a lot tastier and more "meaty" if you know what I mean.


For anything else .. i.e. chicken breasts for meals and so on, it's always Sainsburys for me, but I must admit, if I do do a whole roast chicken, it's a bit of an occasion to go and choose one from Mr. Coates.

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