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Pubs in Sheffield City Centre 1970's

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I "worked" at PCL in the 1970s. Staff would cross the footbridge to go to the Pump (Tetleys) and works used Lord Nelson (Stones). There was also the Truro Tavern (Tennants) and the Matila (Wards) close by. The only one remaining is Nelson.

PCL burned down and the fire station occupies the site (ironic innit).


A few other pubs round there were


Royal Standard ..still going

Montgomery. The roof fell in whilst we were playing juke box one lunchtime.

Red Lion.. still going.


I loved the Truro Tavern. It had a tiny bar about 6 foot across. On one side of the bar top there was a glass case full of pies being cooked by the heat of a light bulb. At the other the landlady cooked chips using a primus stove. They even sold beer. It would be a nice story if the pub had burned down from a chip pan fine. Unfortunately it end up being ploughed in so they could widen St Mary's Gate.


This was all in the days when a typical working lunch was a pub pie and 3 pints of bitter. Not much got done in the afternoons.

Do you remember Robert {Rab} Green from CPL?

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  • 2 months later...
Not sure where you got your info from, but PCL did not burn down, it moved up to their Mosborough site which they still occupy today.

the land was sold and was a car park for a few years before the Fire station was built.


you're right PCL moved to the Holbrook Ind. Estate and is still going, I know this as I worked for them at both sites. A lot of the people that worked there used the Pump now gone and Fannies which I believe is still there.

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