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St Catherine's RC School, Andover Street

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Is there anyone out there who went to St Catherine's School when it was on Andover Street during the above years? If there is, can you remember the following teachers:


Sister Bertrand

Sister Raphael

Sister Concepta

Sister Cecelia

Sister Gonzaga (aka Sister Gonbarmy!)

Mrs Smith

Mrs Farnell

Mrs Bower (nee Anganotti)

Mrs Leahy


The old St Catherine's was a big, black Victorian old building (even then) with the personality of a slum (said with great affection!) with toilets which would be condemned in these health & safety regs days!


When we were juniors, we had to trek up the road to an old hall (which is still there) in order to eat the slops they had to give us. It must have cost all of tuppence (old money) per person!


Does anyone remember Mrs Dignam, the cleaner?


Ah - sweet memories! :)

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my first school in 1950 i remember a miss aseldine and sister mercy i left when i was 8 and went to st thomas mores where sister mercy was head mistress she was strict but fair as were most of the teachers

can remember all theold houses round andover st most of my class lived in the area when st peters openeda lot of pupils from st caths went there so we palled up again

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
my first school in 1950 i remember a miss aseldine and sister mercy i left when i was 8 and went to st thomas mores where sister mercy was head mistress she was strict but fair as were most of the teachers

can remember all theold houses round andover st most of my class lived in the area when st peters openeda lot of pupils from st caths went there so we palled up again


I also went to St Catherines 1952-58 then to St Thomas Moores and onto Saint peters I remember all these teachers especialy Sister Mercy do you remember Mister Fitzpatrick head at Saint Peters I lovedmy schooldays.

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Hi I was at St Catherines in 1952 -59 then onto Saint Thomas Moores and Saint Peters I remember all the teachers you mentioned and yes Sister Mercy was so strict do you rmember Mister Fitzpatrick at Saint Peters.

Edited by hayward
Iposted myself twice by mistake
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Hi rabitter you might remember my sister, Pat Wood she was in your class. she was a friend of Linda Ford & Florence Hayward, I was in the same class as Pat Hayward. Started there in 1945. Remember my first teachers Miss Smith, Miss Beaumont, Miss Connelly and my favourite Miss O' Hara.

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  • 5 months later...
Is there anyone out there who went to St Catherine's School when it was on Andover Street during the above years? If there is, can you remember the following teachers:


Sister Bertrand

Sister Raphael

Sister Concepta

Sister Cecelia

Sister Gonzaga (aka Sister Gonbarmy!)

Mrs Smith

Mrs Farnell

Mrs Bower (nee Anganotti)

Mrs Leahy


The old St Catherine's was a big, black Victorian old building (even then) with the personality of a slum (said with great affection!) with toilets which would be condemned in these health & safety regs days!


When we were juniors, we had to trek up the road to an old hall (which is still there) in order to eat the slops they had to give us. It must have cost all of tuppence (old money) per person!


Does anyone remember Mrs Dignam, the cleaner?


Ah - sweet memories! :)


When to St Cath's 1962 to 1968 and remember most of the teachers you have mention. Also when onto St Peter's

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Mrs Dignam lived a couple of roads away (remember all the back to backs). On a Friday afternoon my older brothers would go swimming at Sutherland Road baths and they were supposed to come back for me to take me home but they usually forgot. I would go to Mrs Dignam's home with her and wait for my dad to come. I didn't mind that much because she had a telly and I could watch Rintintin.

I loved my time at St. Caths and knew all the teachers mentioned. Mrs Garrity was the head of the infants.

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