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A sensible discussion about current drugs policy.

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thedailymash rocks and is as it turns out bang on about this subject.


Legalise it - shoot anyone who then sells it unregualated in the face, with a hollowpoint round.


Two generations, problem solved.

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It seems that many people here are more concerned with doing the dealers out of business and saving the health service this and that. There seems to be a lack of willingness to discuss effects on users and consequences.


So where are these legal drugs going to be acquired?

How long before the need to take more takes hold?

How long before someone becomes hooked?

Should the health service have to pay for self harmers?

Won't people with genuine problems that are not self inflicted suffer?



The question that nobody seems to want to answer is what do you get out of taking heroin, cocain, ecstacy, and all the other illegal drugs that users take (please no "for recreational reasons").


Cocaine gives you energy, much like coffee, but you want to fight and shag and generally carry on like a <REMOVED>.


Ecstasy is a strange experience, where everything sort of comes together, you love everything and everyone around you, and believe you can achieve world peace with enough ecstasy, you also get incredibly horny, but can't necessarily reach orgasm, or it takes such a long time you'll end up with friction burns. Have lube handy as a safety precaution. The day after, you might feel a little bit empty inside, compared to the day before.


A heroin addict I know, said it made him feel like king of the world, the best buzz he'd ever had, better than the best sex. He now needs it to feel normal though and wouldn't recommend it to anyone, but he says sincerely the first time was the best buzz ever, but it never happens again.


It's interesting to note, there are drugs out there completely legal that will then get metabolised into illegal drugs in your body.


Also that these drugs, the illegal ones and legal ones are all present in your water supply, and thus the water you drink.

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The addiction comes later when the effect of the current dosage diminishes and doses are increased, it finaly reaches the stage where the user is addicted and Jo Public then has to pick up the tab.

When I was in the army and posted overseas to a hot climate I was warned about getting sunburnt to a point where I was unfit for duty.

It was classed as a self inflicted injury because we knew the consequences of over indulging.

The majority of people who take drugs know that they can and will become addicted if these substances are taken over a period of time.

That is why I have little or no sympathy with drug/substance abuse.


But that statement just isn't true! I have taken drugs in the past. I used to take loads between that ages of 18 ad 25. I used to take them (in one form or another) every weekend, if not more often. I don't take any now. I just knew it was time to stop. I have never been adicted, other than to cigarettes!

The same goes for all my friends who have taken drugs in the past.

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But that statement just isn't true! I have taken drugs in the past. I used to take loads between that ages of 18 ad 25. I used to take them (in one form or another) every weekend, if not more often. I don't take any now. I just knew it was time to stop. I have never been adicted, other than to cigarettes!

The same goes for all my friends who have taken drugs in the past.


Well without being sarcastic you and your friends must be in a unique circle of people if you were all regular drug users and none of you became addicted.

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Well without being sarcastic you and your friends must be in a unique circle of people if you were all regular drug users and none of you became addicted.


Wrong, wrong and wrong. My posts regarding your blinkered and misinformed opinions never seem to last long on this thread but the Mods really need to make an exception for someone as entrenched as you.

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Cocaine gives you energy, much like coffee, but you want to fight and shag and generally carry on like a <REMOVED>.


Ecstasy is a strange experience, where everything sort of comes together, you love everything and everyone around you, and believe you can achieve world peace with enough ecstasy, you also get incredibly horny, but can't necessarily reach orgasm, or it takes such a long time you'll end up with friction burns. Have lube handy as a safety precaution. The day after, you might feel a little bit empty inside, compared to the day before.


A heroin addict I know, said it made him feel like king of the world, the best buzz he'd ever had, better than the best sex. He now needs it to feel normal though and wouldn't recommend it to anyone, but he says sincerely the first time was the best buzz ever, but it never happens again.


It's interesting to note, there are drugs out there completely legal that will then get metabolised into illegal drugs in your body.


Also that these drugs, the illegal ones and legal ones are all present in your water supply, and thus the water you drink.


Cocaine has never made me feel like fighting. It just made me want to chain smoke & talk for hours. Very good drug...... but there is never enough & it's too expensive!



Another good reason for legalising drugs is to stop all the VERY dangerous "legal highs" coming on to the market.

Ecstasy, in it's pure form, is not very harmful to the body (more on the mind). When the government ban the drug, a more dangerous alternate version is created (M Cat for eg). Now that M Cat has been banned, another version is already on the market, which is more dangerous, but legal! The cycle will continue!

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Well without being sarcastic you and your friends must be in a unique circle of people if you were all regular drug users and none of you became addicted.


Myself & my circle of friends are the norm I'm afraid! If you hae ever been to university, you would see that a lot of people are using class A drugs. Many more than you would ever think!

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Myself & my circle of friends are the norm I'm afraid! If you hae ever been to university, you would see that a lot of people are using class A drugs. Many more than you would ever think!


Bassman has made up his mind and nothing short of a revolution will change it. I have stopped trying. Sad that people can be shore up their minds so completely. I wonder what else he is wrong about.

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It seems that many people here are more concerned with doing the dealers out of business and saving the health service this and that.

People are concerned with doing dealers out of business because they cause a huge percentage of the crime that we live in. And it is often unnecessary crime. Much of it could be easily eradicated.

There seems to be a lack of willingness to discuss effects on users and consequences.

If users are using (currently illegal) drugs that aren't addictive, like many aren't; and aren't ridiculously harmful, like some legal drugs, like alc and cigs, then there is a reasonable cause for debate on willingness for argument or discussion.


Some drugs are harmful when abused (answer is in the word 'abused'), some aren't that harmful, abused or not. Some legal drugs are extremely harmful when abused or not abused. I've never read about many health benefits to smoking cigarettes.


I'm willing to talk about the harm of several illegal drugs :)


So where are these legal drugs going to be acquired?

Different drugs, different acquired places. i.e, Heroin not available in sweet shops.


How long before someone becomes hooked?

To which drug?

Should the health service have to pay for self harmers?

The NHS pays for self harmers now.

Won't people with genuine problems that are not self inflicted suffer?

You mean as they do now? But pay dealers to 'help' them?



The question that nobody seems to want to answer is what do you get out of taking heroin, cocain, ecstacy, and all the other illegal drugs that users take (please no "for recreational reasons").

What do people get out of having a beer at the weekend after a weeks work? Pleasure. Relax. Have fun.


I know what your answer will be ... 'people who can't relax and have fun without alcohol aren't living' or words to that effect.


Why do you say 'no recreational reasons'? How many people drink or smoke with the direct intention of stealing, causing crime, being unhappy, or to fight?


Most people drink for recreational purposes. Do you not like this?

Well without being sarcastic you and your friends must be in a unique circle of people if you were all regular drug users and none of you became addicted.


I don't think it's unique.


The only thing I'm addicted to is cigarettes. Most of my friends who smoked have knocked this habit. I have too a few times, temporarily, but I just can't knock it permanently. I've never got addicted to anything else that I've taken.

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Cigarettes and booze are legal but you still get people smuggling them. What makes you think it would be any different with drugs.

They will just manufacture a more lethal type to sell.


I think ALL street drugs should have the same category and carry a hefty sentence for the dealing of.

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