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A sensible discussion about current drugs policy.

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And we've all said it before, but ofcourse you continue to avoid awkward questions. How is this any different to the use of alcohol now, and why wouldn't the framework we have in place to deal with alcohol abuse behind the wheel work in the same way for anyone intoxicated while driving?

So two wrongs make a right now, Hmmm.

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So two wrongs make a right now, Hmmm.


So you agree then that it would make absolutely no difference. Cheers :)


Now, to the previously avoided question?


Do you need it repeating again?


So can anyone tell me where new users are going to get their legal drugs from, will they sell them in shops/supermarkets/an upsurge in oldtime DRUGSTORES.


Please tell me.


Your turn first ;)

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Pardon? so now we've got crown green bowling and people with genuine medical needs into the same cattagory as drug abusers.


You've been talking to Halibut.


And you've been preaching from the high horse for far too long, how can you say others are wrong for going ott in perception of your posts.

When you like to make up the odd story or 2 yourself.


Your the one that brought up crown green bowling, when the rest of us could easily see what the poster meant.

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So can anyone tell me where new users are going to get their legal drugs from, will they sell them in shops/supermarkets/an upsurge in oldtime DRUGSTORES.


Please tell me. except Magilla


Why, are you struggling to answer my question?


Here it is again (incase you forgot what it was):-


If the cost of fighting the "war on drugs" far outweighed any associated costs with legalisation, would you still be against moves to legalise given that the savings made may pay in full for the treatments you mention above?

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And you've been preaching from the high horse for far too long, how can you say others are wrong for going ott in perception of your posts.

When you like to make up the odd story or 2 yourself.


Your the one that brought up crown green bowling, when the rest of us could easily see what the poster meant.

Rubbish, likening accepted sports to drug abuse is utterly stupid and deserves the response that it got.
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Why, are you struggling to answer my question?


Here it is again (incase you forgot what it was):-


If the cost of fighting the "war on drugs" far outweighed any associated costs with legalisation, would you still be against moves to legalise given that the savings made may pay in full for the treatments you mention above?

If is a little word with a big meaning, I will not agree to anything regarding supporting self harm ie drug abusers, the effects invariably go beyond the abuser especialy where family and children are involved.


So can anyone tell me where new users are going to get their legal drugs from, will they sell them in shops/supermarkets/an upsurge in oldtime DRUGSTORES.

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If is a little word with a big meaning,


So the answer would be no then, you would rather people who are suffering terminal cancer continue to suffer, even if it might be possible to do something that could alleviate their pain.


I will not agree to anything regarding supporting self harm


You already do agree to support self harm, alcohol is legal and you like a drink. Quite why you're not an alcoholic is a mystery if anything you've said is at all true... I guess it's not.


Glad we got that sorted. :)


ie drug abusers, the effects invariably go beyond the abuser especialy where family and children are involved.


Alcohol is abused far more than illegal drugs. That may change if they were legalised, though I doubt the overall numbers would move much since if you want to get wasted legally today, you can.


However it's not just about the abuser, it's also about the costs to the rest of society.

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