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A sensible discussion about current drugs policy.

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Since it clearly was OK your point is, unsurprisingly, nonsense.




Or he's a responsible shopkeeper who abides by the law in much the same way as a publican who will not serve someone who's obviously had too much.




Point completely missed........... again! ;)


Well unlike dustbins here I wont take 'owt in'.

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So now at last we've had an answer:- addictive drugs will be on sale at corner shops.

What do you propose the age limit will be?:roll:


Indeed, why change the way it's worked for years?

I'd support an age limit somewhere in the 18 - 21 bracket.

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Rubbish, how can the cost increase if they're already in prison where there should be no special programme just cold Turkey.


The cost of keeping them imprisoned. The cost of catching them in the first place. The cost in lost revenue to the treasury. The costs involved in the crime to pay for the adulterated drugs from dealers that leave you non-functional. The costs in terms of growth of organised crime as a result of the massive profits that can be made... the list is endless.


All locking people up does is cost more money for very little benefit, much as it is now. An abject failure ;)

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So where do they get these legal drugs that a doctor won't prescribe but will have to treat the addiction that follows?:roll:


Be more specific about which legal drugs, I'd imagine you got different drugs from different sources.


For example heroin etc, I wouldn't expect them to be on sale, I'd expect them to be phased out exclusively to the nhs.

So that qualified doctors and specialists can decide where the drugs are most useful.


Things like cannabis can be grown at home, in the kitchen window.


And all the other drugs would vary from maybe buying some in nightclubs, to exclusively nhs prescribed.

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he's hardly going to turn customers away with dire warnings is he.

Why would he? The use of magic mushrooms is quite safe in the grand scheme of drugs. They're even legal, so you have no point in dismissing them. It is legal to pick wild mushrooms and it is legal to grow them from spores and take them yourself. It is just the sale that is illegal.

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I call addictive drug supply and use serious.

I think that is just about the first time you've used the word 'use'. Every other time it has been drug abuser or self harmer. (post 224)



But obviously you would rather keep supplying self harmers.

Pardon? so now we've got crown green bowling and people with genuine medical needs into the same cattagory as drug abusers.


You've been talking to Halibut.


Well like I've said before, if a drug abuser who is driving a car which is inlvolved in a crash


Rubbish, likening accepted sports to drug abuse is utterly stupid and deserves the response that it got.


If is a little word with a big meaning, I will not agree to anything regarding supporting self harm ie drug abusers, the effects invariably go beyond the abuser especialy where family and children are involved.


Do you accept that there is a difference between 'use' and 'abuse'?


That'd be a start.

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No I'm talking about the narcotics that you and your ilk would like to see in legal use.


Lets use the shop analogy. Would you rather the situation be as it is now, where I could buy all kinds of illegal drugs right here in Sheffield supporting criminal gangs whose activities aren't confined the drug trade - like as not they'll be into prostitution, people trafficking, extortion and the like.....the drus I'd get would be of mixed quality and possibly cut with hazardous ingredients to beef up the profits.....


or as it could be if I could just go and buy my stuff from a pharmacy or corner shop where there'd be no crime gangs, a contribution through tax to support the wider economy and drug education and treatment services in particular and access to pharmacuetical quality gear at a very reasonable price.


Which seems best to you?

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So where do they get these legal drugs that a doctor won't prescribe but will have to treat the addiction that follows?:roll:


Since that's a perfect description of alcohol & cigs, I would imagine the places that already sell these drugs will continue to do so. Other drugs may require specialist retailers or pharmacies ;)

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And of course he was going to be helpful kidding you on that all would be ok, and you believed him how sad. he's hardly going to turn customers away with dire warnings is he.


I believed him, because he was telling the truth! Potassium (which is in bananas buthe way) does help against the effect that magic mushrooms have. Just like vitamin c does with ecstacy & sugar does with marijuana.


I notice that you chose to ignore my other comment (as usual)... Why can't you answer the big questions without being silly??


I'll post it again & wait for your response............


As previously mentioned. You already are doing your bit to to support self harm ie drug abusere. You are doing it by doing NOTHING about it! Think about it for 1 minute!................................


By doing nothing, you are happy with the current policy. A policy that have been in place since the 1950's (i think). A ploicy that has failed dramitically! A policy that puts users in prison instead of helping them get off drugs.

By doing NOTHING, you are keeping the lives of people who are exploited to create the drugs, in mortal danger, just so they can feed their family!


I know you disagree with drug usage, but shurly you can see that the only way to reduce that dammage is by making them legal....... can't you?

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