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A sensible discussion about current drugs policy.

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Lets use the shop analogy. Would you rather the situation be as it is now, where I could buy all kinds of illegal drugs right here in Sheffield supporting criminal gangs whose activities aren't confined the drug trade - like as not they'll be into prostitution, people trafficking, extortion and the like.....the drus I'd get would be of mixed quality and possibly cut with hazardous ingredients to beef up the profits.....


or as it could be if I could just go and buy my stuff from a pharmacy or corner shop where there'd be no crime gangs, a contribution through tax to support the wider economy and drug education and treatment services in particular and access to pharmacuetical quality gear at a very reasonable price.


Which seems best to you?


This is the point that I don't quite understand, what are people wanting to take these drugs for?

Are they sad inferior individuals.

Does it make them feel big.

Do they need it because they aren't mentaly equipped to get a normal high.

Will there be a limit as with paracetamol (except you can go to the shop next door and get more)?

Nobody seems to have a plan as to best the way to distribute the stuff legaly,

Some can't even tell you who will be the first to put you on the downhill road your doctor or Tescos.

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This is the point that I don't quite understand, what are people wanting to take these drugs for?

Are they sad inferior individuals.

Does it make them feel big.

Do they need it because they aren't mentaly equipped to get a normal high.



Behave - I listed loads of highly succesful and credible folk who've used drugs over the years - drug users are no more sad and inferior than vegetarians, conservatives, white people or the the Irish. They're just people.


People enjoy taking drugs - always have, always will - it's enjoyable!

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But they are legal so ok? You're being inconsistant. Ecstasy has proven effective in the treatment of parkinsons, depression, post traumatic stress, weight control and other things. Still want it banned? Its got viable medical uses
Oh and how many drug abusers do you know who say "I'm taking it for Parkinsons"?

Well they may well start now you've told them.

"200grms of ecstasy please Mr Pharmacist I've got tothache".:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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This is the point that I don't quite understand, what are people wanting to take these drugs for?

Are they sad inferior individuals.


It appears that you think they are.


Does it make them feel big.


Doubt it, unless your talking about the many pro-athletes that use illegal steroids and the like.


Do they need it because they aren't mentaly equipped to get a normal high.



Will there be a limit as with paracetamol (except you can go to the shop next door and get more)?

Nobody seems to have a plan as to best the way to distribute the stuff legaly,


You can also buy bulk packs of paracetamol from cash+carry's, wholesalers.

I highly doubt you'd know if you there was a plan in place or not.


Some can't even tell you who will be the first to put you on the downhill road your doctor or Tescos.


I've already told you, you already confessed to not being much of a listener, not that I needed a confession, it's written all over your posts.


And you say I'm the one living in fantasy land (my words again).

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This is the point that I don't quite understand, what are people wanting to take these drugs for?


For precisely the same reason you went out to the pub on saturday night.


Are they sad inferior individuals.


I don't know, are you?


Does it make them feel big.


I don't know, does it?


Do they need it because they aren't mentaly equipped to get a normal high.


You mean by using the the alcohol you like to drink?


Will there be a limit as with paracetamol (except you can go to the shop next door and get more)?


You can't legislate for those that will abuse the system, but the vast majority will use responsibly and in moderation.


Nobody seems to have a plan as to best the way to distribute the stuff legaly


They have, and many have been expressed here, the problem is that you simply refuse to read them and engage your brain.


Some can't even tell you who will be the first to put you on the downhill road your doctor or Tescos.


Views differ, you seem to be confused, the various viewpoints are not all from the same person ;)

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