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A sensible discussion about current drugs policy.

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Like I said, and a few posters have said already, ask anyone if they would go and buy it if it was available? I've never met anyone who has said yes.

That comment carries no weight or value whatsoever it is purely hypothetical.

You wouldn't really expect them to say otherwhise surely.

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So as a victim you not put yourself in the position you put yourself in, by going to the doctors and receiving full knowledge (at that given point in time) of the consequences?
Can you translate that into English please? I've stated more than once that when I was precribed benzodiazepams it was not known or accepted that there could be a problem regarding withdrawal.
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But expect others who supplied your nhs prescribed addiction to be more sympathetic


Are you blind I've already stated that at the time I was prescribed Benzodiazepams it wasn't accepted that there could be withdrawal problems the only real help that I got was from my GP and family, no fancy costly clinics etc

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Why would anyone wish to discuss any addiction with you? You posses zero empathy considering you are or were the exact that you patronisingly look down your nose at. Yer a funny fella.
Do you have any personal experience yourself and I don't mean heard it from a friend stories, the world is full of two penny experts who've no inside knowledge whatsoever.


So let's here your story, put up or shut up. I just want to know whose talking from experience that's all.

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Do you have any personal experience yourself and I don't mean heard it from a friend stories, the world is full of two penny experts who've no inside knowledge whatsoever.


So let's here your story, put up or shut up. I just want to know whose talking from experience that's all.


Let me turn that question round.


Senior academics, nurses, doctors, scientists and MPs have looked closely at prescribing heroin and relaxing our laws on drugs and concluded that it is worth looking at.



What are your grounds for stating they are all wrong and you are right, apart from you having given up smoking?


You are just repeatedly posting the same stuff over and over, you're not adding to the debate at all.

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I stopped smoking in 1979, 31 years ago.


In 1971, tobacco companies printed on the left side of cigarette packets "WARNING by H.M. Government, SMOKING CAN DAMAGE YOUR HEALTH".


Also, the fact that you stopped 31 years ago, does not mean you are immune to smoking related illness.

You had 8 years of being warned about the damage caused to health by smoking.


Now tell me even 31 years after quitting and with 8 years worth of warnings, in todays enlightened world, should you be denied treatment because you were a self harmer.

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What are your grounds for stating they are all wrong and you are right, apart from you having given up smoking?
Not only smoking I beat both on my own.


I want to know how drugs are going to be made available in the first place and on what criteria, what age groups, how many, do you get a ration book so that you can't go to the next corner shop and buy another dose of the maximum recommended.

There are too many unansweed questions.

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Also, the fact that you stopped 31 years ago, does not mean you are immune to smoking related illness.

You had 8 years of being warned about the damage caused to health by smoking.


Now tell me even 31 years after quitting and with 8 years worth of warnings, in todays enlightened world, should you be denied treatment because you were a self harmer.

Like I said I was encouraged to start smoking, it is a different matter today.

Companys also produced a tobaccoless cigarette that the government taxed as much as the real thing.

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