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A sensible discussion about current drugs policy.

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Like I said I was encouraged to start smoking, it is a different matter today.

Companys also produced a tobaccoless cigarette that the government taxed as much as the real thing.


Everyone is encouraged into trying one form of drug or another.

I don't know of any addicts that woke up one morning and thought, "today is the day I get hooked on coke".

And it is no different today than it was back then.


Now back to my question, I've answered many of yours.


Where do you stand on the girls that get groomed into prostitution and drug abuse?

Should they have to carry on the lifestyle they live, because they're hooked on a drug that they have to sell themselves for.

It is predominantly the illegal drug trade that encourages and funds this behaviour.

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Everyone is encouraged into trying one form of drug or another.

Are you refering legal or illegal drugs? if your'e refering to illegal drugs I think that you're guilty of an exageration by saying everyone, I certainly haven't and I've been very active on the music scene since 62.

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Are you refering legal or illegal drugs? if your'e refering to illegal drugs I think that you're guilty of an exageration by saying everyone, I certainly haven't and I've been very active on the music scene since 62.


Both legal and none legal, and by everyone, I mean everyone that has taken some form of drug or another, what the music scene has to do with it I have no idea.


Few tea/coffee drinkers make the first cuppa.

Few smokers buy the first fag.

Few Heroin addicts woke up thinking "today is the day to get hooked".


Everyone is encouraged in some form or another, even you with your old addictions.


Your right that it might be an over-exaggeration though.


There might be the rare occasion where someone does take drugs with no encouragement at all.

But unlikely considering the drugs are produced with the intention of encouraging someone to take them.

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Do you have any personal experience yourself and I don't mean heard it from a friend stories, the world is full of two penny experts who've no inside knowledge whatsoever.


So let's here your story, put up or shut up. I just want to know whose talking from experience that's all.


I've been in the music business..if that helps. :hihi:

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as per usual one or two of you jump in feet first with your snidy remarks.
You can't slate anyone for snidey remarks on this thread my old fruit. Your first and second response to my posts were snidey remarks and mockery when i'd previously not shown you any disrespect.


If you would be good enough to answer some of the questions that people put to you instead of ducking them then possibly people may take you more seriously.


Personally, I think, in your case theres no bigger prude than a reformed whore. I don't mean that nastily, I just mean you've had a terrifying experience and theres never going to be any changing your mind based on your own experience. Which is fine, thats your privilidge, but the world isn't run on your experiences so could you see your way into being objective for a while?

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Doctors may refuse a liver transplant to an alcoholic who refuses to stop drinking but otherwise medical staff do not and cannot allocate resources based on subjective criteria of blame. That would be a minefield, would they refuse to treat a heroin addict who turned to the oblivion the drug offers because they experienced abuse as a child?


It's not the child's fault they are abused is it?.


People take drugs because they like them and how they make them feel. Stop with the "child abuse" excuse. It's demeaning to those who have been.

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People take drugs because they like them and how they make them feel. Stop with the "child abuse" excuse. It's demeaning to those who have been.



It's not an excuse, it's a fact.


Those who have suffered dreadful privation and abuse as a child often turn to narcotics to dull their pain.


Saying that their addiction is "self-inflicted" is monstrous.


Heroin addiction, like alcoholism, is a medical condition and should be treated as such, removed from the criminal process.

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Not only smoking I beat both on my own.


I want to know how drugs are going to be made available in the first place and on what criteria, what age groups, how many, do you get a ration book so that you can't go to the next corner shop and buy another dose of the maximum recommended.

There are too many unansweed questions.


Licensing could answer most of those questions, and yes, the ration book idea is not bad: these days it could easily be electronic with biometric identification.


Is there any point joining in this debate, or is it another of those pointless ding-dong round in circles discussions where the blind are blind because they refuse to open their eyes?

I skipped the middle dozen pages, did I miss anything>?

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Why would he? The use of magic mushrooms is quite safe in the grand scheme of drugs. They're even legal, so you have no point in dismissing them. It is legal to pick wild mushrooms and it is legal to grow them from spores and take them yourself. It is just the sale that is illegal.


I fear I have to correct you on that. Their status was changed in 2005.

Probably because some daft sods started openly selling them. :?

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