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A sensible discussion about current drugs policy.

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You said all child abuse is made up by social workers. You stated that anyone who seeks the oblivion of narcotics has been brain washed by social workers.



Don't be silly show where I said " all child abuse", mind you if it is getting near recreati0nal time I can understand your confusuion and annoyance.:roll:
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You stated that anyone who seeks the oblivion of narcotics has been brain washed by social workers.


Although you're lying I'm not going to fall into the trap of calling you a liar so as to get banned


When you quote someone it has to be word perfect so please quote where I wrote :-

anyone who seeks the oblivion of narcotics has been brain washed by social workers.


I think in your case the 'Sun is over the Yard arm', time for whatever it is you indulge in to steady you down/gee you up or whatever.

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Those that are abused are usualy children if witless drugged up alchaholics.

None of my children were ever abused, they haven't taken to drugs and taken to the streets.



Do you have any evidence that suggests abused children are usually from witless drugged up alcoholics (learn to spell at least).

Once again your only retort is to insult.

I doubt you'd know if your children had taken drugs, everything else appears to go in one ear and out the other, assuming they'd tell you.


Shouldn't that be telling you something like maybe I am right.


Mwahahahahahhaha oh yes of course.......Not.

Maybe right off the bottom of any IQ chart.


You have provided NIL evidence/research/sources for any of the insults you've thrown about.

You have slandered across the board from parents to councillors, and failed to put up anywhere near a decent argument against decriminalising drugs.

Whilst we are on the subject of children though, (as though yours have done any better than anyone elses, and for some reason give you moral authority?), mine is prom queen 2010 with 100% attendance and expecting good grades and intends to further educate, and she can also put up better arguments against legalising than you have.

Go figure.

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Jaysus, can you people not spot a Troll when he baits you endlessly for pages on end. :roll:
Not a troill I just don't think that habit forming drugs are good for anyone and I don't think making them easier to get is a good idea.


Unless your sad and inefficient lifewise then maybe there is an excuse.

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Having a bad trip?


Nope, just laughing at you mate.

I'm amazed, truly bewildered that your mentality exists.

I'm beginning to suspect you are either on the wind up and have been glued to the monitor getting emotionally high off all the attention you've recieved.

You don't have many friends to keep you entertained or you really are as stated above under-the-bridge worthy material.


Not worked out which yet, but it's amusing none the less.

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There have been several high profile cases over the last few years where many children were taken into care due to over zealous (client seeking) social services, a particularly bad one being on some offshore isles I believe.


There was another murder yesterday, here in Sheffield.

I truly believe that these laws are going to cost more life before people like you finally see sense.

God forbid that the next victim turns out to be one of your kids.

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Digsy, check this horrible story:


It seemed like the perfect crime. A south London street gang arranged to buy £30,000 worth of high-quality skunk cannabis from a team of Vietnamese growers that operated several successful “farms” across London and the south-east. The deal was set to take place in a car park close to McDonald's in Sutton, but instead of money, the gang produced hand guns and stole the drugs, safe in the knowledge that their victims, Khach Nguyen and Phac Tran, could never report the incident to the police.


When Nguyen and Tran returned to their Hackney base and told their boss, Hoc Kim Khoa, what had happened, he accused them of faking the robbery and demanded they repay the money.




When they refused, the pair were kidnapped and taken to a remote farm in Surrey where, over the space of several hours, Nguyen was slowly beaten to death.






hollands closing prisons because it cant fill them...we are building more prisons becuase we are running out of space to put convicts...


Holland has tolerant drug laws


We have draconian drug laws.


Legalise, regulate & tax. There you go, easy solution. All the above problems are caused by weed being illegal. Also, demand is way too high for the police to ever even get anywhere near stopping/denting supply.



This country is skint & needs some extra revenue. Surely legalising weed will bring in a huge chunk of tax, & help towards clearing this countries debts.


This country tolerates drink & the problems this causes, so why the weed cannot be legalised, I'll never know.

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