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A sensible discussion about current drugs policy.

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My own belief is that we need to get back to where we were in the 1960s when, instead of jailing Sherlock Holmes and his opium supplier, Dr Watson, he would have been referred to a doctor.


Out of interst where were you in the 60s?

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Let us just think about that for a second.

Say your stereo cost £100.

The thief would probably be lucky to get a tenner for it, but that is enough for a bag of smack.

However, if we took away the illegality, then that smack would probably only cost around 10p to produce.


Where is the sense?






I think thieves get a third of the value of their haul so they might get £30 for a £100 radio.


An awful lot of theft, encouraged and perpetuated by the drug problem.

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Watch it they'll be accusing you of using more than one identity and being Bassman62.

That's the usual fall back when too many start disagreeing with them.

What next happens is that they start misquoting and misconstruing what you've posted.

That's unlikely Bassman. Truman asked a few questions (perhaps rhetorical, I don't know). But, however, they looked inquisitive and didn't resort to name calling, like most of your posts.

Of course it doesn't but that is what you'll get, it's part of the attempted wearing down procedure.

It just shows what comics these drug fans read.

I can't see anyone other you wearing people down. You haven't backed anything you've said with any sort of evidence, you just keep resorting to calling people 'abusers', 'pro-druggies' etc. There are countless links to studies and evidence from experts that you seem to dismiss.

I've never been in favour of the two wrongs make a right approach, the "Lesser of two evils" is still evil!

Where are the two wrongs?


If humans never understood the logic in the 'lesser of two evils', then we probably wouldn't still exist as a species (or perhaps never would have existed as we are today)

So why do people want to take it, what is the point.


Excuse me but aren't there already programmes in place for helping drug addicts kick the habit?

Surely knowone has to steal anything to get their fix.


Do you want to contribute into providing programmes for every heroin addict?


I don't.

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Heroin should be prescribed to long-term addicts to prevent them from committing crimes to feed their habits, the head of Britain's police chiefs has suggested.



Ken Jones, the president of the Association of Chief Police Officers, also admitted that current policing tactics are failing to combat a "hardcore minority" of heroin addicts.




He called for a political consensus on the issue of heroin prescription on the NHS, and a more "realistic" approach to tackling long-term drug abuse. Mr Jones argued that by prescribing heroin the police would be able significantly to reduce overall crime and prevent deaths from overdoses.


The former chief constable of Sussex is the most senior police officer to give his support to heroin prescription and his controversial view is likely to be criticised by organisations opposed to any form of drug liberalisation.


Mr Jones, who is head of the organisation that represents the most senior ranks of the 43 police forces in England and Wales, said:



"You need to understand there is a hard core, a minority, who nevertheless commit masses of crime to feed their addiction. We have got to be realistic - I have looked into the whites of these people's eyes and many have no interest whatsoever in coming off drugs. We have to find a way of dealing with them, and licensed prescription is definitely something we should be thinking about."





In the UK only a few hundred of the 40,000 registered heroin addicts are currently being prescribed heroin as part of a limited experiment.


Heroin addicts commit on average 432 crimes a year, costing a total of £45,000, according to research.



Studies on heroin prescription in the Netherlands and Switzerland found significant reductions in illicit drug use among those receiving the treatment. Both the Swiss and Dutch reported a drop in the crimes committed by their addicts.


The widespread prescription of heroin in Britain was phased out in the 1960s. GPs in England and Wales have the legal power to prescribe heroin, but do so extremely rarely.


The UK has 327,466 hardcore "problem drug users" who are regularly using either heroin, crack or cocaine. A report by Glasgow University last year found that fewer than 4 per cent of heroin addicts beat their habit with methadone. There are an estimated 40,000 problem heroin users using methadone.


Mr Jones said that he knew of one region where many years ago doctors had prescribed heroin to try to deal with problem addicts. "There are junkies who are alive today who would have been dead now," he said.


"Their lives are stable, yes, their addiction is being maintained, but far better they are being maintained than them trying to get their fix off the street from crime. Heroin is an incredible stimulator of crime and I think we are foolish if we don't acknowledge that."

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"Their lives are stable, yes, their addiction is being maintained, but far better they are being maintained than them trying to get their fix off the street from crime. Heroin is an incredible stimulator of crime and I think we are foolish if we don't acknowledge that."

Their addictions and lives are being maintained wow what a great setup become a junkie and the state will fund your habit.

What a load of cobblers.

What's happened to these clinics that are supposed to exist to get them off the habit?

You couldn't make it up.:loopy:

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Originally Posted by spindrift

You've asked this question and had it answered SEVEN TIMES NOW!



You said



Pharmaceutical heroin is a safe drug. People can take it every day and lead productive, law-abiding lives.


So if it doesn't affect your abilty to fly a bomber, drive a tank, operate on a brain or answer your question what is the point of taking it?


So come on what about these jobs along with thousands of others.

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