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A sensible discussion about current drugs policy.

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Do you object to the cheap foreign labour that is already putting more thn 2m British out of work?


Simple answer yes or no, remember this is already happening what are you doiing about it or going to do about it?


Yes I do object to cheap foreign labour.


Now you?

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Yes I do object to cheap foreign labour.


Now you?

If we didn't have cheap foreign labour no jobs would be under threat. and less money would be going out of the country.


We should teach the foreign workers the Broadmoor hymn


Broadmoor Hymn


1st verse I shouldn't be in here.

2nd verse I shouldn't be in here.

3rd verse I shouldn't be in here.

4th verse I shouldn't be in here.




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If we didn't have cheap foreign labour no jobs would be under threat. and less money would be going out of the country.


That's not the question I asked and you know it. I offered you a yes or no answer since you wanted one, but you haven't got the decency to answer my (and everyone elses) questions directly.


The reason that we have lots of cheap foreign labour is because there are many jobs that British people won't do for the minimum wage offered.


The solution is to reform the tax and benefit system which is much fairer to those who are working and encourages British people to take those jobs, and to ensure that any foreign labour is getting the same working conditions and pay as a British worker (to remove any incentive to hire foreign labour over a British worker).


But that's miles off topic, and on that note, I'm out (I suspect most people on this topic were a while ago!). You're clearly either incapable of thinking, or on a wind up.

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The reason that we have lots of cheap foreign labour is because there are many jobs that British people won't do for the minimum wage offered..

That's utter rubbish and you know it, just remember the Chinese cockle pickers who were typical of the under paid cheap imported illegal labour.


You are so naive and brainwashed.

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and to ensure that any foreign labour is getting the same working conditions and pay as a British worker (to remove any incentive to hire foreign labour over a British worker)..

There you are you've contradicted yourself.

they won't pay the British workers the same as they pay this imported labour, a very high percentage are paid cash in hand and don't pay any contributuons at all


Some mother do have em:loopy:

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The reason that we have lots of cheap foreign labour is because there are many jobs that British people won't do for the minimum wage offered.


Possibly because they know health and safety when they see it....as someone else has said....chinese cockle pickers!

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Hey that's not a bad idea, if the drug monkeys knew 'Broadmoor Funny Farm' was in store for them if they became addicted maybe they'd think twice before becoming a burden on us.


Broadmoor Hymn


1st verse I shouldn't be in here.

2nd verse I shouldn't be in here.

3rd verse I shouldn't be in here.

4th verse I shouldn't be in here.






I'm really not surprised you know that hymn. I'm also convinced you didn't kick your addiction...you're well high on summat!

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Sorry Bedders old chum you'll be in for the hatchet brigade now, but nice to see a sensible poster again.


I'm not afraid of the lefty-mob...incurred them a few times! Saying that i have had a fair old tussle with the 'right' as well!


I believe in balance.....not that there is much these days though!

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So come on superior being...

Look now people, he can see sense. ;)

tell us how drugs are to be dished out if they're legalised.

A fairly simple licensing system: all drugs would need a licence to sell and a license to buy.

For relatively harmless drugs like alcohol and hash, it need not be much more complicated than the alcohol licenses they currently issue to teenagers (the age ID cards).

For the nasty stuff like heroine & crack, then you can use biometric data, and monitor the licensee as carefully as necessary.

For the in betweens, like skunkweed & speed, then some measure in between.


Where users abuse the privilege of their licence, appropriate steps can be taken.


Workhouses (not entirely the same as the Victorian ones) can be provided for those that need them: food, shelter and drugs can be provided in exchange for work.


And to those who would say that is taking jobs away from honest (if eastern European) workers, I would point at all the dereliction and waste in this country: there is no shortage of work to be done.


Have I missed anything?

Well, I never claimed to be any kind of expert... Experts can easily be hired. Sensible people don't pack them just because their advice doesn't tally with their preconceptions.

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