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A sensible discussion about current drugs policy.

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(Waits for plonkers like hard2miss to jump in again and say something like "See you were weak, you took addictive drugs, it was all your own fault".)

There is only one person with insults, because of the lack of any argument with real substance.

The most I am guilty of is amateur psychology to try and work out where Bassman is coming from with all accusation and venom towards the people that would be for a better drug policy.

If you would even check the links and read the evidence without dismissing it out of hand, armed only with your own opinion, and stop being so defensive and down right argumentative instead of debating the issue, then we would not need a Mod stepping in. But I fear that's exactly what your hoping for to save some sort of face without backing down.

All the accusations you make about people being against you are unfounded or are directly from your own doing with your own attitude.


Drugs are a big issue in our society and needs real debate and not argument.


Lets try and keep this topic civil and open if possible for future posters who may have opinions on it

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There is only one person with insults, because of the lack of any argument with real substance.

The most I am guilty of is amateur psychology to try and work out where Bassman is coming from with all accusation and venom towards the people that would be for a better drug policy.

If you would even check the links and read the evidence without dismissing it out of hand, armed only with your own opinion, and stop being so defensive and down right argumentative instead of debating the issue, then we would not need a Mod stepping in. But I fear that's exactly what your hoping for to save some sort of face without backing down.

All the accusations you make about people being against you are unfounded or are directly from your own doing with your own attitude.


Drugs are a big issue in our society and needs real debate and not argument.


Lets try and keep this topic civil and open if possible for future posters who may have opinions on it

I've not changed my stance or views regarding self harmers ie those who knowingly take drugs/substances that can and do lead to addiction as the intial doses no longer satisfy their needs.

I do not think that legalising the above mentioned drugs is a step foreward and don't see why I and other normal people should have to fund these drugs and the clinics that these pathetic self harmers are supposed to attend.

There is already a system in place for helping/treating drug addicts I don't see why we should also put a sytem in place at my expense to create yet more addicts that I and other normal people will have to fund.

My only agenda is that I (through no fault of my own) was once there but with my strength of character (which some of you misguided call stubbounrness) and the help of my GP family I came through it.

I just wonder what the agenda of those who would like to faciltate the opportunity for yet more drug addicts on the streets is.

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Economics, as well as medicine, supports decriminalisation.


Why do criminals supply drugs?


To make money.


It's in their interests to create as many addicts as they can, so they "push" drugs onto non-addicts as well.


The government tries to stamp out the drugs trade by making it illegal and arresting criminals, but the more success law enforcement has, the higher the street price of the drugs goes. This means existing addicts have to commit more crime to get the money to feed their habit. It also makes it more attractive for criminals to be in the "business".


So it's better to decriminalise, and to supply registered addicts with drugs for free on the NHS. These drugs are very cheap when legally sourced, so this would cost a lot less than the crime it prevents and the law enforcement that becomes unnecessary. There will no longer be any profit to be made by criminals, so the entire illegal trade in the UK will wither away. If the whole world followed suit, terrorist organisations that fund themselves by growing these drugs would also be deprived of the money that they use to buy arms.


Everybody wins, except for drugs gangs and the Taliban. What is there to lose?


Take grass.


Say a million people buy a henry a week at £25. That's £25 million a week that could be taxed, plus the costs of the cops raiding South Vietnamese gangs who rent houses and install cannabis farms. Plus the cost to the courts to process the men of straw who operate them, the cost to the prisons, the landlords etc.


The government are turning their back on massive fiscal benefits and causing harm and criminality at the same time.


The whole thing's a dog's breakfast.


And of course then you could 'legally' deal the drugs being grown and guarded in Afghanistan by our solders!


You make me laugh!

Speeding really bad yet drug dealing is ok!


You sound like a Labour politition!

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And of course then you could 'legally' deal the drugs being grown and guarded in Afghanistan by our solders!


You make me laugh!

Speeding really bad yet drug dealing is ok!


You sound like a Labour politition!

What these idealists who live in Never Never Land instead of a real world don't realise is that under their legalising plan it wont kill the drug trade, we'll provide, at our expense, their daily ration whilst the illegal dealers who'll still be there top them up.

You can't charge junkies for their NHS fixes, they'll get their prescriptions free.

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Drugs are a big issue in our society and needs real debate and not argument.


Lets try and keep this topic civil and open if possible for future posters who may have opinions on it

I've just realised all you pro legalising drugs bunch are really government plants.

Due to all the money lost by reducing smoking in public places the government has come up with another idea to raise taxes lost due to the smoking ban and they've got you lot to test the water.

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And of course then you could 'legally' deal the drugs being grown and guarded in Afghanistan by our solders!


Quite, the narco state we helped create.


You make me laugh!

Speeding really bad yet drug dealing is ok!


It *is* already OK, two of the most addictive and destructive drugs are currently on sale, legally, and contribute to the exchequer.

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I've just realised all you pro legalising drugs bunch are really government plants.

Due to all the money lost by reducing smoking in public places the government has come up with another idea to raise taxes lost due to the smoking ban and they've got you lot to test the water.

You have had the evidence put before you in boat loads of links which you choose to not even look at.


The burden on the tax payer would be less, the figures are not made up by us 'plants' but are worked out by people who know what they are talking about.

What scares you about people getting help, taxes going down, crime going down and dealers being out of a job ?

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