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A sensible discussion about current drugs policy.

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No, sorry you need to go bigger than that.

Think about it.

If drugs were legalised, the price would come down and druggies would be less inclined to steal.

So less thefts means that fewer people are buying replacements for stolen things.

Think of all the jobs involved in the manufacture and supply of all those things.

Job losses in the Police, customs and prison service.

Insurance premiums would come down, so the insurance companies would be turning over much less profit.

Think of the cost to the economy.


And most importantly, the drug barons would no longer be able to afford to bribe our politicians in the manner and level to which they have become accustomed to.


Big picture. ;)

Ssshhh, Thats the kind of thinking that gets the CIA accused of drug running :hihi:


There are some people that dare suggest that we are only in Afghanistan to secure and protect the drug trade, the Taliban were supposable going to cut off the supply. Of course others think its about protecting a fuel pipeline that they want to run through the country, who knows, its only some people that think like that anyhow.

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Is that what you've got hold of? I think you've finaly lost it what with "my wifes better looking than yours", "your a poor musician" whatever next .:loopy:


I know Mods I shouldn't mock the afflicted


Old b/w picture. Could be anyone. Seriously, have you considered talking to a medical professional? They are there to help.

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"Prof Pertwee, an expert on cannabis-like chemicals, is to tell scientists that he, like Professor Nutt, believes it [criminalisation] is a policy that is doing more harm than good"


He's also a director of this company who are actually involved in the production of prescription cannabinoid medicines...I'm not saying there is but could there be a link?

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Old b/w picture. Could be anyone. Seriously, have you considered talking to a medical professional? They are there to help.
I didn't come up with that silly post about my Wifes appearance or my lack of ability as a Bassist.

So I proved you wrong on the point of my Wifes appearance when we were young and you only response is it could be anyone which, although could be true it is rather weak, as I wouldn't insult my Wife by substituting her on a photo.

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Ha! Well spotted. Perhaps there could be, though I doubt his reputation would stand the onslaught if his view didn't stand up to scrutiny.


I'm not suggesting anything one way or the other but it's better for all the information to be out I think...obviously he's a director there 'cos he knows his cannabinoids...but if the company's sales start to increase then it'll do him no harm...

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