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A sensible discussion about current drugs policy.

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Any police in particular?

I'd heard the Chief was in favour of decriminalisation.

Why don't you link to a reference and prove me wrong?




You do realise your asking for facts rather than his opinion don't you ?


I too would like to see the police against decriminalisation links because I can only imagine it would make their jobs easier if done right, and especially now they face all these cut backs.

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I have little doubt that some police are against decriminalisation.

Some will share Bassman's view, others do quite nicely out of the drugs they confiscate and sell on. :?

It was on an ealier page on teletext now it just says the government don't agree (remember they are the elected government).

Yes I look foreward to the day that it is legalised and people are driving left right and centre into shop windows as George Michael did.

Anyone want to invest with me in 'ACME Shop Window Replacement Inc' 24 hr service?

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No, sorry you need to go bigger than that.

Think about it.

If drugs were legalised, the price would come down and druggies would be less inclined to steal.

So less thefts means that fewer people are buying replacements for stolen things.

Think of all the jobs involved in the manufacture and supply of all those things.

Job losses in the Police, customs and prison service.

Insurance premiums would come down, so the insurance companies would be turning over much less profit.

Think of the cost to the economy.


And most importantly, the drug barons would no longer be able to afford to bribe our politicians in the manner and level to which they have become accustomed to.


Big picture. ;)


That's a lovely picture!

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It was on an ealier page on teletext now it just says the government don't agree (remember they are the elected government).


Based on a premise that has been statistically disproven. The governments assertions have no scientific backing whatsoever.


G.Brown stated "Lethal strains" as justification for reclassification, they don't exist and never have done.


No doubt, if the government told you to jump off a tall building, you'd be there telling everyone how it's the right thing to do.


Yes I look foreward to the day that it is legalised and people are driving left right and centre into shop windows as George Michael did.


You mean as they are now with alcohol? A legal and far more dangerous drug. Or could it be that the fact that it is regulated and the population educated in it's use means it tends not to happen very often.


Again, far bigger problems arise from the illegality of use, rather than use itself.


Anyone want to invest with me in 'ACME Shop Window Replacement Inc' 24 hr service?


So, back to the schoolyard mentality then. No need to replace your windows, we can see right through you ;)

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