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A sensible discussion about current drugs policy.

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I was told that it made people lethargic so they did not want to get out of bed on a morning, study or work.

It induced a couldn't care less attitude and that was the reason it should not be legalised.

Is this correct ?


Depends, on the person and amount taken.

I have seen people cabbaged on it to the point they suffer the above.

I've also worked with people that work harder stoned than sober.


As a general statement I'd say the statement is false.


It would be like saying, Alcohol made people sick and the following morning were incapable of study or work.

It was made illegal in line with treaty agreements.


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Depends, on the person and amount taken.

I have seen people cabbaged on it to the point they suffer the above.

I've also worked with people that work harder stoned than sober.


As a general statement I'd say the statement is false.


It would be like saying, Alcohol made people sick and the following morning were incapable of study or work.

It was made illegal in line with treaty agreements.



Thankyou for clarifying that.

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I was told that it made people lethargic so they did not want to get out of bed on a morning, study or work.

It induced a couldn't care less attitude and that was the reason it should not be legalised.

Is this correct ?


It can have effects like those you describe, but it all depends (as Digsy says above) on a number of factors - like how much, who's had it, the variety of cannabis used and so on.

Some people are indeed capable of working very hard, or very creatively or productively and accurately when they've been smoking. Some are good for nothing much after a couple of pulls on a joint.

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I've seen one report that says there is a link, it was a statistical analysis, and it was only just outside of standard deviation/margin of error. But it still managed to make the papers etc.

I can well believe that skunkweed may cause psychosis, but to ban cannabis because of that is a bit like banning alcohol because drinking meths can make you go blind.

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Am pretty sure that after a few years on the legal medication I'm on, I'll have some form strangeness should I be able to come off them ..


Oxycontin 50 mg (Called Hillbilly Heroin in the USA)

Amytryptilline 60mg

Diazepam 15mg

Oramorph 10mg when needed

Fluoexatine 40mg


If having a smoke or two could help lessen the amount of medication (above) I am taking daily, then I'm all for making it legal!


I ran into severe problems coming off Diazepam as at that time (early 80s) knowone knew that there was or could be a withdrawal problem.


After a recent motor accident I was prescribed Amytryptilline due to lack of sleep through the pain I'm in. I'm now concerned as I've been told that this can lead to dependency problems.


But I dont accept swapping one bad habit for another is the bets answer.

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I ran into severe problems coming off Diazepam as at that time (early 80s) knowone knew that there was or could be a withdrawal problem.


After a recent motor accident I was prescribed Amytryptilline due to lack of sleep through the pain I'm in. I'm now concerned as I've been told that this can lead to dependency problems.


But I dont accept swapping one bad habit for another is the bets answer.

I think a lot of people are prone to becoming drug addicts but some people are at the doctors and others on street corners from unscrupulous dealers.

I think one form of drug taker is no better than another in the big scheme of things.

While it seems morally acceptable to take prescription drugs people frown upon other sorts of user. This is the problem, some people can easily accept the use of prescription drug takers, smokers or drinkers so why is it society wont accept people who chase drugs like heroin ?


Its a holier than thou attitude and is hypocritical.


Heroin users given it on prescription can bring people back into society and get rid of the stigma that these people have to contend with.

A heroin addict on prescription would not have to be outside the law and be as acceptable as you or I bassman, leaving the dealer and organised criminals at the top without an income.

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