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Kidney stones and infection

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Last night i had the doctor out but not because the pain had come back but because i was constantly being sick. He gave me a an anti sickness injection and tablets. Im trying not to take the tramadol as they are what causes my sickness.


Overall i feel better today, no pain just drained and a bit sick and woozy.


Hopefully tomorrow i will be back to normal :)

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Same here but much older now. I contracted 1st stone around 97 and it was just as severe as cutting yourself with a sharp razor blade. Took some scans and pain killers, as well as meds for infection. I was strictly ordered to refrain from eating carrots, spinach and too much of diary products (due to calcium deposits). Drink alot of water and juices and eat pulpy fruit.

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I've never had one, but have treated lots. I would say that renal stones seem to cause the most pain we see in A&E. You can always tell people who are in real pain because they don't flinch when you tell them that the best pain relief is a huge diclofenac suppository up their backside! In fact some people beg for it!

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I've never had one, but have treated lots. I would say that renal stones seem to cause the most pain we see in A&E. You can always tell people who are in real pain because they don't flinch when you tell them that the best pain relief is a huge diclofenac suppository up their backside! In fact some people beg for it!


Yeah i had 3 of those and didnt feel it! Normal oral 50mg diclofenac do nothing for me but up my butt they worked wonders :)

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You can always tell people who are in real pain because they don't flinch when you tell them that the best pain relief is a suppository up their backside!


I agree :)

The paramedic gave me three doses of morphine in the back of my hand while waiting for the ambulance.I then had another in the ambulance on my way to hospital and the pain was still incredible.


A young doctor in accident and emergency asked me how the pain was on a scale of 1 to 10 , i said 11.He then said he was going to give me a suppository and the pain went within minutes.Then gave me something to stop me being sick and again within minutes my sickness stopped.


My arms were tingling from my shoulders to the tips of my fingers and my legs from the hips to my toes.He told my wife i had a very strong resistance to morphine and that i was fine.Said he was going to leave me for a little while because i was away with the morphine fairy :)

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I had one a couple of years ago and the pain was incredible.I passed it and it was 5mm.Boy did my eyes water.A while back I had another one and this one put me on my knees with the pain.I passed that as well 6mm but no pain when i passed it.I think I was that full of painkillers.

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May i ask how you all felt after?


I came out of hospital on tuesday with antibiotics, painkillers (in case my kidney pain came back) and anti sickness stuff.

Im not in any pain and i wont know if i have passed my stone until 2 weeks when i go back for a scan. HOWEVER

I feel dizzy, achy, my throat is like a razor blade! And shakey!!


Phoned GP today and he said it sounds like ive got viral (fluey/sore throat infection) on top of my kidney infection!


Did anyone else have this?



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Keep drinking lots and lots of water all day every day and you will pass it.You may have passed it ,the scan will tell.Hope you have :)


I was in hospital last week and they tried to remove it and failed.They said they will have me back in in the next three weeks.I'm hoping this time they remove it and do'nt have to resort to surgery :(

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May i ask how you all felt after?


I came out of hospital on tuesday with antibiotics, painkillers (in case my kidney pain came back) and anti sickness stuff.

Im not in any pain and i wont know if i have passed my stone until 2 weeks when i go back for a scan. HOWEVER

I feel dizzy, achy, my throat is like a razor blade! And shakey!!


Phoned GP today and he said it sounds like ive got viral (fluey/sore throat infection) on top of my kidney infection!


Did anyone else have this?




I felt great knowing that the pain had gone.

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