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Is it right that the Government are punishing the poor the most?

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I see a respected organisation has reached the same conclusion that a lot of us have been saying for a while and that is that the Budget attacked the poor and vulnerable more than any other group.


At the risk of stating the obvious, shouldn't we be looking to make those making a lot of money a bit more worse off as opposed to attacking these people.


Still as Nick puts it, "It's only a partial report" which I think means he doesn't deny it is accurate and he'd like to draw attention on to other areas.


Anyway, should they be hitting the poor, those above Benefit levels, or the very rich.



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I have a question....and it involves me being rather open, but it will be interesting (for me) to get peoples views. I voted Tory, i dont mind admitting that :) I am male, no kids, renting in shared accomodation and on about 18,000 a year in the NHS. Im thinking there will be a few people out there in the same situation,......how do people think the budget will hit me?


Think of this as similar to those programmes that discuss savings / expenses etc for various family groups around every budget :)


edit: this should save the thread from resulting in the same old rhetoric....

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I have a question....and it involves me being rather open, but it will be interesting (for me) to get peoples views. I voted Tory, i dont mind admitting that :) I am male, no kids, renting in shared accomodation and on about 18,000 a year in the NHS. Im thinking there will be a few people out there in the same situation,......how do people think the budget will hit me?


Think of this as similar to those programmes that discuss savings / expenses etc for various family groups around every budget :)


I work for the NHS and did so under the last Tory government.

Be afraid - be very afraid is all I will say. I am.

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I have a question....and it involves me being rather open, but it will be interesting (for me) to get peoples views. I voted Tory, i dont mind admitting that :) I am male, no kids, renting in shared accomodation and on about 18,000 a year in the NHS. Im thinking there will be a few people out there in the same situation,......how do people think the budget will hit me?


Think of this as similar to those programmes that discuss savings / expenses etc for various family groups around every budget :)


edit: this should save the thread from resulting in the same old rhetoric....




Don't say I didn't warn you! I would have thought that many non front line jobs will be under threat, as perhaps will front line jobs. Depends how deep they cut.

Last time they said 'the NHS is safe in our hands'! remember how long the waiting lists were when Labour came in, nurses were always on strike as they fought against their low pay.

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So explain what happened?


wednesday1 has answered your question very well.

I am astounded that anyone working for the NHS would vote Tory tbh.:confused:

I guess that you aren't old enough to remember the strikes, 3 day week, riots , food shortages, increase in crime, increase in suicides and depression, etc, etc.

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