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Could you trust a Milliband ?

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What a pair of hypocrites. They've spent the last decade as lapdogs for Blair and then Brown and now the tyrants have gone, the Millibands are pretending they never supported the policies of the government they were part of.


I suppose one couldn't accuse Hitler of that.:roll:

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his criticisms of the war, Id Cards, 42 days detention with out trial and his focus on dealing with inequality.


So, was he saying this whilst Liebore were in power? I think not.


He's exactly the same as the rest of the self serving morons in Wesminster, and will say anything to gain power/influence (to the point of lying).

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That article is especially interesting in the way it says that terrorism is never acceptable, then goes on to say that in one in a hundred cases it may be....If the french resistance are ok because they were defending their homeland, then you must also accept the IRA, hamas, the taliban (whether or not you and me think they are defending their homeland is irrelevant, they believe that). What he really means of course is that terrorism is OK if they are on our side.


And then the idea that defending terrorism is one step from accepting torture, does it work the other way round then - does the fact that the americans torture mean that actually they are supporting the terrorists?


I don't condone terrorism but these are my thoughts exactly and I couldn't agree more.

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So, was he saying this whilst Liebore were in power? I think not.


He's exactly the same as the rest of the self serving morons in Wesminster, and will say anything to gain power/influence (to the point of lying).


He was a party loyalist at the time.




And as I have said previously John McDonnell would have been my personal first choice, but what matters is what they are campaigning on now and who can realistically bring together the various elements of Labour in to a cohesive role around a package of policies that will work.


Ed Milliband's speeches appear to set that out, and frankly Brown was much better than the ConDems we have in at the moment.

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