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Could you trust a Milliband ?

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I would like to see Ed Milliband voted Labour leader, but not because somebody is threatening to take my pocket money off me.


I don't trust David Milliband one bit, he's shifty. David Milliband, Balls & Burnham are part of the old guard that wrecked this country over 13 years, I'd rather not see them anywhere near government again.


I think Ed Milliband did alright in his portfolio as Energy Minister. Unlike the Labour supporters on here that can't let go of the 80's and 90's, if the Labour top flight got in some new blood and went for Ed Milliband, I'd at least be willing to hear them out.


He's not frightened to challange the New Labour dogma even if it incurs the wrath of one of it's devine creators (Dark Lord Mandelson). He would take the party to the left, not a bad thing because over the last decade the main parties have squabbled over the middle ground. Tories are hopefully going further right, lets see Labour go further left and put some clear blue water between them, give the country some real choices.

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It seems increasingly likely that one of the Milliband brothers will be the next Labour leader, but could you trust either of them ? They look distinctly odd to me, a bit like the Chuckle Brothers.


Apparently their mother is supporting Diane Abbott :hihi:

It is unthinkable that any of the current contenders could one day be Prime Minister of Britain! As mentioned on another thread they all resemble Big Brother contestants,no class at all.Labour needs to dig much deeper than this sad lot.
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It is unthinkable that any of the current contenders could one day be Prime Minister of Britain! As mentioned on another thread they all resemble Big Brother contestants,no class at all.Labour needs to dig much deeper than this sad lot.


I have a lot of respect for Frank Field, he would be my choice.

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It seems that the Labour party is still split, with a Blair candidate and a Brown candidate. This split, that has lasted 15 years could have been avoided if only they stood against each other to find out who would take over from Smith.


It's a crying shame, as I feel that the new labour really could have achieved lots and changed the face of British Politics with Blair's third way. The rivalry crippled both Blair's and Brown's governments, to such an extent that the Brown faction were in effect the only credible opposition to Blair's government; and the Blair fraction destroyed any chance of Brown succeeding as prime minister.

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I would trust either of the Milliband brothers to run the country much better than Cameron is doing. Cameron is using the economic situation as an excuse to make the poor even worse off than they are already. The fact that Clegg is still lying in bed with Cameron and hasn't realised that Cameron is only after one thing reflects very badly on Clegg.


I still haven't decided which of the Labour leadership contenders would be best to get rid of the new government. Probably one of the Millibands.

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I still haven't decided which of the Labour leadership contenders would be best to get rid of the new government. Probably one of the Millibands.



I too am undecided which candidate to vote for. The only one I definately will not be voting for is Abbot.


I think David Milliband probably comes over as the most rounded of the candidates. Like yourself I am sure any of them will do a much better than the Cameron, Osborne and Lapdog.

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I did it and my results were:



Ed Balls: 63%

Diane Abbott: 63%

Ed Miliband: 56%

David Miliband: 50% !


What governs most peoples preference I think, will be which candidate they think will be capable of uniting the party and appealing to most voters in the General election.


I think David Milliband will walk it!

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