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Could you trust a Milliband ?

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I did it and my results were:



Ed Balls: 63%

Diane Abbott: 63%

Ed Miliband: 56%

David Miliband: 50% !


What governs most peoples preference I think, will be which candidate they think will be capable of uniting the party and appealing to most voters in the General election.


I think David Milliband will walk it!


I tend to agree, some of the questions were pretty obscure. I'm not sure Dianne Abbott is electable, even if she came out as my top choice. Ed is the best bet in my view to lead the party, though it would be nice to see someone who isn't male, white and middle class leading one of our 3 main parties.

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I agree with a lot of Ed Milliband's views, but I don't like his idea that 50% of the shadow cabinet must be women. I wouldn't like it if he said that 50% must be men either. Surely it would be better to pick the best people for each position rather than pick people purely because of their gender?

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It seems that the Labour party is still split, with a Blair candidate and a Brown candidate. This split, that has lasted 15 years could have been avoided if only they stood against each other to find out who would take over from Smith.


It's a crying shame, as I feel that the new labour really could have achieved lots and changed the face of British Politics with Blair's third way. The rivalry crippled both Blair's and Brown's governments, to such an extent that the Brown faction were in effect the only credible opposition to Blair's government; and the Blair fraction destroyed any chance of Brown succeeding as prime minister.

The Socialist King of Cash has admitted finally what most intelligent people knew already,that Brown was an unmitigated disaster as PM.

The worrying thing is that the third division contestant line up is worse.

Labour has no class at the present time.Blair was a class act in some ways,but is now more interested in making money than trying to lead the country out of the mess his party left behind in its live now pay later 13 years of power!

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