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Asil Nadir Returns

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He shouldn’t have been sent to prison which will cost us even more money, tag him, house him in the cheapest flat possible, and pay him £2 an hour for working in the community.


He stole nearly £30 million. Don't you think that's serious enough to deserve a prison sentence or do you see everything in terms of money? The justice system is about justice, not giving criminals easy options just to save money.

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He stole nearly £30 million. Don't you think that's serious enough to deserve a prison sentence or do you see everything in terms of money? The justice system is about justice, not giving criminals easy options just to save money.


Living in a grotty flat and working for £2 an hour wouldn’t be an easy option, but it would save some money that could be spent on something or someone more deserving.

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Asil Nadir has received legal aid in spite of spending his bail period in a £28,000 a month hotel.

Somebody isn't doing their job right surely?


After spending £28,000 a month he probably doesn't have enough money to pay a lawyer to argue his case.

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Asil Nadir has received legal aid in spite of spending his bail period in a £28,000 a month hotel.

Somebody isn't doing their job right surely?


That is bonkers isn't it. At the same time the Govt is pressing for cuts in the legal aid budget which groups fear would see vulnerable people, such as abused women, not be entitled to it.


What criteria was used to assess Asil Nadir's entitlement?

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He stole nearly £30 million. Don't you think that's serious enough to deserve a prison sentence or do you see everything in terms of money? The justice system is about justice, not giving criminals easy options just to save money.
I think that the justice system has become obscene and bloated by fat cat lawyers bleeding the public from legal aid jollies like this................and yes their are plenty of jobs around for the cats!
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Asil Nadir has received legal aid in spite of spending his bail period in a £28,000 a month hotel.

Somebody isn't doing their job right surely?


What makes you say that?


Which job?


Who paid for Nasir's hotel stay? He is (or claims to be) bankrupt. If somebody else wants to pay for a bankrupt person to stay in an expensive hotel, that's their business.

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A tory wants to give back the political donations they received from him, bit late for that isn't it? They can't turn back time and put things right. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-19364753


What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty, or does that not apply to anyone with a different political persuasion to yourself :roll:


If this money was from Nadir himself and can be shown to be part of the money he stole, then it should be returned to the creditors, but if it was a contribution from the company itself, (which is usually the case) there is no case to answer.

Edited by WeX
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What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty, or does that not apply to anyone with a different political persuasion to yourself :roll:


If this money was from Nadir himself and can be shown to be part of the money he stole, then it should be returned to the creditors, but if it was a contribution from the company itself, (which is usually the case) there is no case to answer.


Why do you people on this site insist on keeping sticking up for greedy million/billionaires who could'nt care less about minions like you. Oh my god! get real! these people would'nt give you a glass of water if you were dying of thirst! if you stood in their way whilst on a quest to gain more money ect to their already rich life style, they would step on you like a bug. In other words they would have you removed, and I don't mean by Procters.

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