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What did you want to be?


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I so badly wanted to be a midwife too. Even started the training. Then I decided life as a penniless student relying on bank of mum and dad was boring so I entered the world of minimum wage. As a result I still rely on bank of mum and dad. How naive....

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They asked this question just before I left school (well Scowcroft did). I told him I wanted to be a journalist. I'd never seen him laugh before, well actually he almost rolled around the floor, it wasn't a pretty sight. When he regained control of himself I said, 'OK, I'll be a comedian', but he didn't think that was so funny.

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I wanted to be a train driver of an inter city 125!


That reminds me, a childhood friend was mad on trains, he had model railways, books about trains, pictures, models, saved his old journey tickets, train spotted, visited engine sheds. His whole life revolved around trains.

Of course he wanted to be a train driver when he grew up and hi s dream came true. He drove the 125 for some years, but now drives the Channel Tunnel train.


Pattricia was right:hihi:

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I wanted to be a fighter pilot, but my eye sight didn't last. So I wanted to join the Marines.

I did join the reserves, and decided that actually it didn't quite live up to my expectations.

After that I wanted to do something that paid well and left me plenty of free time. I'd still not mind winning the lottery, but I can't complain.

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I wanted to be a sailor :hihi: or a teacher.

Went into nursing and am still here after 38 years, although have often thought about a career change, just never fancied doing the training bit again and the loss of income.

I regret it now and wish I'd gone for it!

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