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Conservative minister Crispin Blunt reveals he is gay

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Bit of a s****** if you ask me ; thought he was better than anyone else, no doubt. The Biblical husbands thought their wives were safe, with Onan scattering 3 or 4 times every day, in the fields. Little did they know he had reserves up his sleeve........or somewhere about his person anyway !

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I've just looked up onan in the book of google - apparently god killed his brother, told him to do the biz to his recently bereaved sister in law - onan (very properly in my opinion - sorry god) 'completed' in interuptus, for which he was also killed by god.


that's the saddest story I've ever heard (even by biblical standards!)


If someone other than God behaved like that, they'd be in serious bother.

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I wonder if one can be ' inned ' as well as outed ? Some people might get seriously embarrassed by the invite to ' come in '. e.g. ' Little Hampton Gay Glee Club Cordially Invite Mr. Longbottom-Tweak To Join Their Ever-Growing Circle Every Wednesday At 7 P.M.' .......or even worse......' The John Prescott Fan Club Invite........etc......etc....' Imagine the terrible shame of being ' inned ' with that lot !

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Yes, to be blunt, Treatment is right----and certain names do seem to convey a ' je ne sais quoi '. ' Marmaduke ' is one example or ' Cecil ' ----although the reason is difficult to fathom ! Having said that, if I 'd been christened ' Marmaduke ', I 'd have changed my name quicksticks. Having the ' wrong ' name is a sure way to be ' outed ' prematurely-----or mistakenly. Now that I 'm too old to worry about it one way or other, people can ' in ' me, 'out' me......or call me what they wish-----usually ' stupid, old, fat chuff '......or something similar.

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