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English Defence League?

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The edl has got a few token asians including a Scottish Muslim called Abdul lol. Doesn't prove anything, did you see that documentary called battle for barking which follows Labour and BNP campaigning in Braking before 2010 general election. The BNP had a black man speaking and the idiot was saying the BNP are for all races and religions:hihi: Even Hitler used a few black soldiers when he got desperate.


Yes, I did see it, it was an excellent documentary especially as the film maker made no comment about the main protagonists. It didn't make the Griffin or Barnbrook look as bad as it could have done, but their canvassers came over as dim as dim can be, especially the black 'reverend' and the Italian bloke who bemoaned immigration in his ham fisted pigeon English!

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I really don't see why anyone with a brain would support Nick griffin.


Apart from him being gay (Not something I have a problem with but his supporters would if they knew), he's a fat ugly cretin who would destroy the UK if he ever gained real political power.


His dogs, the EDL, are trying to see Mr Jones, a black Muslim farmer, off but so far have failed to do very much.

Manor farm is safe from Napoleon Griffin for the moment.

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The EDL are State run pro-Israel stooges.


You really actually believe all this crap you spout don't you?

The average EDL member doesn't know his arse from his elbow, probably hates Jews and wouldn't have the foggiest notion where Israel is on the map.




I suppose asking you to give any shred of evidence that the EDL are 'state run' would be pi**ing in the wind, wouldn't it?

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His dogs, the EDL, are trying to see Mr Jones, a black Muslim farmer, off but so far have failed to do very much.

Manor farm is safe from Napoleon Griffin for the moment.

A terrible Orwell reference. Animal Farm is about egalitarianism going wrong. The BNP don't even start off with that aim.

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A terrible Orwell reference. Animal Farm is about egalitarianism going wrong. The BNP don't even start off with that aim.


They may not start with the same aim but the end result is exactly the same.

People see politics as linear with the far left and far right.


I see politics as a circle with both the extremes meeting at the bottom.


Excrement always falls to the bottom and there is always the same suspicious smell.

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I watched that prog and what stood out for me was margaret hodge telling the ethnic voters the BNP wanted them out of the country and would throw then out of planes and helicopters into the sea etc etc,that is worse than the labour minister woolas,she ought to resign after those comments.


It took a bit of digging out but I've eventually found the quote from Griffin that Hodge referred too in the programme.

Opposite me were the two faces of the party: Griffin, mastering the argot of the Islington social worker, claiming to approve of "diversity"; and his hired skin-headed muscle. This veritable 300lb whopper took up most of the sofa's Lebensraum, but Griffin did the talking.


What would he do with those he couldn't send "home" because we don't know their nationality? It's the kind of thorny problem real politicians wrestle with, but Griffin looked like his head would explode. Eventually he spluttered: "Drop them out of a plane somewhere over Africa. I don't really care." I realised dialogue was futile.


From here http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/personal-view/5363715/We-have-nothing-to-fear-from-these-British-National-Party-jokers.html

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right i will nail my colours to the mast as i have been called all sorts and personally attacked tonight by a number of Sheffield Forum members for my beliefs on a thread that was nothing to do with the EDL.


Yes i am an English Defence League supporter and yes i do believe the English Defence League have the best interests of our country at heart they are standing up for our country against scum like Anjem choudary Zakir Naik Abu Hamza and the rest of the extremeist scum like the ones that burned the poppies on remembrance day.


I am not a violent thug or a racist which us EDL members get tarred with and we are not far right either which is aload of rubbish we are nothing like the BNP or C-18 the real thugs are the UAF & MDL.


Everyone is entitled to there opinion and i will have a debate with anyone but what i wont stand for is someone calling me a thug when they don't even know me.

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Right i will nail my colours to the mast as i have been called all sorts and personally attacked tonight by a number of Sheffield Forum members for my beliefs on a thread that was nothing to do with the EDL.


Yes i am an English Defence League supporter and yes i do believe the English Defence League have the best interests of our country at heart they are standing up for our country against scum like Anjem choudary Zakir Naik Abu Hamza and the rest of the extremeist scum like the ones that burned the poppies on remembrance day.


I am not a violent thug or a racist which us EDL members get tarred with and we are not far right either which is aload of rubbish we are nothing like the BNP or C-18 the real thugs are the UAF & MDL.


Everyone is entitled to there opinion and i will have a debate with anyone but what i wont stand for is someone calling me a thug when they don't even know me.


1: codswallop, they have shown time and time again they are not purely anti EXTREMIST muslim, they are anti muslim, waving israeli flags and placards that say no mosques is far more than against extremists, its antagonistic to ALL muslims


2: thats it make the excuses and blame it all on the opposition (both sides have been shown to be thuggish)

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1: codswallop, they have shown time and time again they are not purely anti EXTREMIST muslim, they are anti muslim, waving israeli flags and placards that say no mosques is far more than against extremists, its antagonistic to ALL muslims


2: thats it make the excuses and blame it all on the opposition (both sides have been shown to be thuggish)



The EDL of course has it's share of idiots but i didn't see the EDL lads getting involved with the student riots like alot of the UAF were :roll:


Oh & i bet you didn't hear about the EDL lads cleaning up the vile insults and graffiti that was daubed on the statue of Winston Churchill you know the one that our so called future of tommmorrow damaged :roll: the gutter press of this country are quick enough to post negative tripe in the media about us but they are slow to praise them when they actually do something good i wonder why that is typical of the biased press and media in this country.

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