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English Defence League?

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The EDL of course has it's share of idiots but i didn't see the EDL lads getting involved with the student riots like alot of the UAF were :roll:


Oh & i bet you didn't hear about the EDL lads cleaning up the vile insults and graffiti that was daubed on the statue of Winston Churchill you know the one that our so called future of tommmorrow damaged :roll:

and we never hear about the good friendly nice muslims that go about their "british" way of life like the rest of us, who the EDL seem to hate

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You really actually believe all this crap you spout don't you?

The average EDL member doesn't know his arse from his elbow, probably hates Jews and wouldn't have the foggiest notion where Israel is on the map.




I suppose asking you to give any shred of evidence that the EDL are 'state run' would be pi**ing in the wind, wouldn't it?


well said Halibut the edl are a bunch of racist footie hooligans

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and we never hear about the good friendly nice muslims that go about their "british" way of life like the rest of us, who the EDL seem to hate


Funnily enough i have friends that are ordinary Muslims they know full well i am only against extremeists not ordinary ones so you can't throw that one back at me im afraid.


I treat people at face value if they are alright with me i'll be alright with them whether they be white black brown blue or whatever Muslim Sikh Catholic it doesn't matter to me.

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Right i will nail my colours to the mast as i have been called all sorts and personally attacked tonight by a number of Sheffield Forum members for my beliefs on a thread that was nothing to do with the EDL.


Yes i am an English Defence League supporter and yes i do believe the English Defence League have the best interests of our country at heart they are standing up for our country against scum like Anjem choudary Zakir Naik Abu Hamza and the rest of the extremeist scum like the ones that burned the poppies on remembrance day.


I am not a violent thug or a racist which us EDL members get tarred with and we are not far right either which is aload of rubbish we are nothing like the BNP or C-18 the real thugs are the UAF & MDL.


Everyone is entitled to there opinion and i will have a debate with anyone but what i wont stand for is someone calling me a thug when they don't even know me.


As an English non-muslim self employed taxpayer, ie the sort of bloke the EDL are supposed to represent, I'd be interested to know what exactly you believe the EDL has done for me? As far as I can see all it's done is waste a load of my taxes on policing your riots.

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Funnily enough i have friends that are ordinary Muslims they know full well i am only against extremeists not ordinary ones so you can't throw that one back at me im afraid.

well tell yer chums int he EDL then cos as ive already said on numerous times, their actions are anti MUSLIM, not extremist muslim and i believe deliberately so

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As an English non-muslim self employed taxpayer, ie the sort of bloke the EDL are supposed to represent, I'd be interested to know what exactly you believe the EDL has done for me? As far as I can see all it's done is waste a load of my taxes on policing your riots.

and caused muslims to view white english males (generally) with mosre suspicion, but i believe thats part of their tactic, sowing the seeds of hatred and creating a climate of fear and contempt

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As an English non-muslim self employed taxpayer, ie the sort of bloke the EDL are supposed to represent, I'd be interested to know what exactly you believe the EDL has done for me? As far as I can see all it's done is waste a load of my taxes on policing your riots.


Riots you call them riots are you having a laugh never been riots:roll: they were minor skirmishes what i would class as a real riot is like the scenes we saw with the student protests if there were scenes like that from EDL marches i could understand but there is nothing like that.

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and caused muslims to view white english males (generally) with mosre suspicion, but i believe thats part of their tactic, sowing the seeds of hatred and creating a climate of fear and contempt
You still here Mel ?


Well so much for 'use the report button'.



Go **** yourself you retarded piece of ****, your the ****ing idiot you stupid ****.



Lets see if I get the same treatment eh ?

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