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English Defence League?

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Given that the extremists main recruiting argument is the "islam and muslims are under attack" do you think a young muslim chap in the areas you march in is more or less likely to be swayed by their argument when he wakes up one day and finds 500 skinheads on his doorstep shouting about how they don't like islam?


If they don't like it they know where the Channel Tunnel is don't they ;)

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You knew full well what i meant anyway it's about time the muslim community came out made a stand against these extremeist morons.

some did, i posted about it, all the islamophobes twisted and turned trying to wriggle out of it and create new excuses to hate those nasty muslims

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Shock Horror the Daily Mail has run a story that appears to have been well researched!


It looks like EDL are now the police intelligence unit's main concern.


Though the Home Office has *indicated that it’s unlikely Jones will be allowed to enter Britain, the news of his *proposed visit comes as Adrian Tudway, the head of the police intelligence unit on domestic extremism, revealed that the EDL and related splinter groups have become his *biggest concern.


Here is some of what it says about the EDL Leadership:


They call themselves ‘patriots’ and wear masks emblazoned with the red cross of the Knights Templar.


But behind the *inflammatory propaganda and war paint of the English Defence League (EDL) — the *far-Right ‘anti-Islamic extremism’ group that is fast becoming an even more pernicious *influence than the BNP — we find such men as Jeff Marsh.


Like all the other EDL ‘patriots’, Marsh — or ‘Marshy’ as he prefers to be known — insists he is not racist. And he is absolutely true to his word in one respect: he was happy to stab or stamp on anyone, black or white, *during his career as a football hooligan. ‘Marshy’ wasn’t bothered about colour; violence was the thing. To him, ‘it was better than sex’.


So proud is he of his exploits *during his heyday in the Seventies and *Eighties with the Cardiff City Soul Crew that he has published his *‘memoirs’ on the internet. It would be hard to imagine a more disturbing *glorification of sadistic brutality.


‘As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be a hooligan,’ he recalls.

First match: Millwall. Mass fights. ‘I actually loved it. I was hooked. I’d never been interested in football and I wasn’t interested now, but I could see that football was an opportunity to involve myself in the ultimate gang war. I thought I had died and gone to heaven.’


He describes ‘systematically picking off Gooners’ (Arsenal fans), and ‘Stanleys [knives] glittering in the moonlight’ as they ‘slaughtered’ drunken Geordies. His trademark was ‘a stab wound or two in the leg, and I was famous for it’.


Just posturing? No doubt there’s some of that. But Marsh, now 44 and a father-of-four, has served three jail terms for violence, including a two-year sentence in 1989 for stabbing two Manchester United fans.


But now Marshy’s back, and his *pernicious influence is being felt — not on the football terraces, but on the streets of towns across Britain.


Marsh, it can be revealed, is not just a rank-and-file member of the EDL. He is one of the key figures in the organisation which has invited anti-Muslim preacher Terry Jones to address a demonstration in Luton early in February.




One leading light is Stephen Lennon, 27, a carpenter from Luton.


Father-of-two Lennon was jailed for a year for actual bodily harm after punching and kicking an off-duty policeman during a domestic incident in 2004. Lennon is understood to have been one of the founders of the EDL.


The EDL’s spokesman is Trevor *Kelway, of Portsmouth. They say you can judge a man by the company he keeps. If so, Kelway’s Facebook page is particularly revealing.


Among his friends, until recently, was someone who uses the emblem of the 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich as his screen avatar. The unit became infamous for its massacre of a French village in the aftermath of D-Day, when 642 men, women and children were shot or burned to death in Oradour-sur-Glane, Limousin.


Among Kelway’s other ‘friends’ is someone with a Sunderland ‘Vote BNP’ symbol prominently displayed. Another man in the set-up who has a BNP link is shaven-headed Chris Renton, 31. Curious how all ‘patriots’ seem to have shaven heads.

Renton works in the construction industry and lives with his Spanish girlfriend in a flat in a Victorian house with views over the Severn Estuary.


He declined to comment when approached by the Mail. But he had plenty to say during a recent demonstration in Birmingham. Renton was pictured confronting black and Asian protesters, his face contorted in *visceral rage, having been corralled on to a bus by anti-riot police. He later gave a two-fingered salute from the window.


Before being put on the bus, he was standing next to an EDL banner which advertised the group’s claim of being neither racist nor affiliated to the BNP. Yet when the BNP’s membership list was recently leaked, it showed Renton had been a BNP activist since 2002. (The group claims that he has now been forced to relinquish his membership.)


And Renton is not just a rank-and-file member of the EDL. Internet *registration forms reveal this is the same Chris Renton who set up the EDL’s website.


But not all members of the English Defence League are men. There is a small group of women, such as 42-year-old Leisha Brookes.


Brookes, who has tattoos and works in ‘security and promotions’, lives in an ex-council block in Southend. She was not in when we paid her a visit.


But at the Birmingham riot, she told reporters: ‘If an English person went to an Arab country they would be expected to dress appropriately, and all we are asking is for them to do the same. We are protesting against Sharia law and the acceptance of our government of Muslim extremists.’


Few people would disagree with this. But less appealing was her Facebook profile, where Brookes — a *Tottenham Hotspur fan — had posted a link to the author of a book called Life As A Chelsea Headhunter: It’s Only A Game.


The Headhunters are the hooligans who associated with the National Front and its ultra-violent Combat 18 offshoot. Leisha Brookes has also been an administrator on the EDL website. But it is Jeff Marsh who is perhaps the most astonishing figure.


Marsh claims he is not — and never has been — an organiser of the EDL. Until recently, however, he was listed as the ‘global moderator’ of the EDL’s website — the gatekeeper, if you like — controlling access to its ‘inner *circle’ forum, where members, vetted by a moderator, are trusted with details about meeting points before demonstrations.


After one such demo in Birmingham last year, which resulted in 90 arrests, one posting warned: ‘Next time we will be bigger. We’ll arrive unannounced and neither the police or the scum will know any details.’


In July, Marsh was also named as one of the leaders of the organisation in an EDL statement. Marshy is also frequently referred to in *communications between EDL members.


Before a recent demonstration in Blackpool, this message appeared on the internet: ‘Me and 10 boys comin from wolves [Wolverhampton]. Day out then a protest before we go clubbing and strip clubs. what a f****** crackin day this will be. when will information on meetin times go out? Me and Marshy been speaking with Old Bill final details should go out tomorrow probably.’


All anyone really needs to know about Marshy, though, is contained in his online ‘biography’. One passage reads: ‘To a lot of us, putting a knife in your back pocket was as much a part of getting dressed as *gelling your hair. You couldn’t leave the house without one. This was designer violence.’




What a lovely bunch. :rolleyes:

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Well that shows what a stereotypical numpty you are doesn't it read Frank Sidneys post he is right in what he says i am an ordinary person who is angered by these extremeists in the way they disrespect our dead troops and their families they are a disgrace.


Are you going to tell me that the troops families some of which support the EDL are football loving hooligan skin head dumb ass idiots then?.


Just who the hell do you think you are to say that i incite hatred when i have friends who are muslims you clown :loopy: as i have already stated i am not against ordinary law abiding muslim citizens who want to integrate into society so i suggest you keep your pathetic stereotypical comments to yourself.


You aint got no muslim friends who know you are in the edl so don't bother trying to pass that one off just as the racists always say I'm not a racist because I have black friends etc etc :rolleyes:

The edl are now a recruiting sargent for the extremists, all you have done by declaring your support for the edl is shown how uninteligent you are and it's daft calling others a stereotypical numpty when you yourself fit the description perfectly.

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If they don't like it they know where the Channel Tunnel is don't they ;)


I would imagaine they do. So if by the actions of your organisation young men are driven towards the extremists and the net result is that they go boom in said tunnel killing a load of people how exactly will the EDL have "helped"?


You've yet to reply to any request from myself or others with a single benefit the EDL which is alledgedly supposed to defend "us" has provided to white working class non-muslim people like me.


We do know you cost us money to police your little events. We can surmise that you will drive a certain number of muslims who were on the cusp into the arms of the jihadis. So it seems we're paying for you to create more terrorists. Not a particularly good deal for the likes of me or indeed any other taxpayers.

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You aint got no muslim friends who know you are in the edl so don't bother trying to pass that one off just as the racists always say I'm not a racist because I have black friends etc etc :rolleyes:

The edl are now a recruiting sargent for the extremists, all you have done by declaring your support for the edl is shown how uninteligent you are and it's daft calling others a stereotypical numpty when you yourself fit the description perfectly.


Yes i do have muslim friends who know i support the EDL thanks you very much:loopy: so basically you are calling me a racist when you don't even know me that figures :roll: just typical of the pc bridgade on this forum.


You call me unintelligent yet can't even spell the word :hihi:I am entitled to my opinion and beliefs whether you or the rest of the pc bridgade.


You call me stereotypical yet you are stereotyping me when you don't even know me from adam :roll:

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Yes i do have muslim friends who know i support the EDL thanks you very much:loopy: so basically you are calling me a racist when you don't even know me that figures :roll: just typical of the pc bridgade on this forum.


You call me unintelligent yet can't even spell the word :hihi:I am entitled to my opinion and beliefs whether you or the rest of the pc bridgade.


You call me stereotypical yet you are stereotyping me when you don't even know me from adam :roll:


Where in my post have i called you a racist? I was giving an example that the same way racists claim to have black friends you, who I consider anti-muslim claim to have muslim friends who know you support the edl.

Picking up on spelling when infact i have missed out a letter due to fast typing doesn't score you any brownie points.

I don't know you from adam but what you say in your posts says alot about you.

On a serious note, the edl was formed for shall we say understandable grievance's in retaliation to the extremists hideous behaviour but it has now ballooned into a group of which the majority are clearly racists, football hooligans, thugs etc etc. and all they are achieving is making it easier for the extremists to recruit more people.

If more and more people join the edl you are not going to achieve anything apart from creating more extremists and i can see a time coming when an extremist or two will decide to suicide bomb an edl demo.

You are free to support who you want but just ask yourself this, what are the goals that the edl want and can realistically hope to achieve?

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OK....people are entitled to speak out if they are unhappy with the demographic changes that have been allowed to take place without the people having a say so in the first place.....


Also, they can't be expected to avoid mentioning or highlighting genuine threats from the above.....


So what exactly have the EDL done wrong? How should people present their views? You can't expect people just to keep their thoughts in their heads?


The press and media shy away from giving anyone a platform to air their concerns. There are people who will harshly criticise, finger point, and name call individuals who speak their mind, so how else can these people be heard unless they show their thoughts collectively at rallies?


Admittedly some people may jump on because they like the confrontational side and I accept this.

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OK....people are entitled to speak out if they are unhappy with the demographic changes that have been allowed to take place without the people having a say so in the first place.....


Also, they can't be expected to avoid mentioning or highlighting genuine threats from the above.....


So what exactly have the EDL done wrong? How should people present their views? You can't expect people just to keep their thoughts in their heads?


The press and media shy away from giving anyone a platform to air their concerns. There are people who will harshly criticise, finger point, and name call individuals who speak their mind, so how else can these people be heard unless they show their thoughts collectively at rallies?


Admittedly some people may jump on because they like the confrontational side and I accept this.


If 500 bearded jihadi loons turned up outside your local demanding it be shut down as a den of unislamic vice and intoxication would it a) make you think yes, we do have a binge drinking problem in the UK and these chaps are making a valid point. Hell, i'm probably damaging my own health with this stuff let alone the wider costs to society, NHS policing etc. or b) make you who the hell do these asshats think they are coming into my neighbourhood with their jihadi rubbish, i'm not standing for this, lets rumble?


I would certainly err to the latter, so can we blame our muslim friends when their reaction to the EDL doing the same in reverse does not achieve the stated aims of the EDL, ie reducing islamic extremism?

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