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English Defence League?

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If 500 bearded jihadi loons turned up outside your local demanding it be shut down as a den of unislamic vice and intoxication would it a) make you think yes, we do have a binge drinking problem in the UK and these chaps are making a valid point. Hell, i'm probably damaging my own health with this stuff let alone the wider costs to society, NHS policing etc. or b) make you who the hell do these asshats think they are coming into my neighbourhood with their jihadi rubbish, i'm not standing for this, lets rumble?


I would certainly err to the latter, so can we blame our muslim friends when their reaction to the EDL doing the same in reverse does not achieve the stated aims of the EDL, ie reducing islamic extremism?


Nice thought.....very delicate situation...


Of course remember that this is a country that 60 years ago was not multicultural, and we did have our own distinct culture or identity....


So as will and does happen in any culture, people as a whole will want to protect and preserve that. I would say that whilst many people think they may be better than this and bemoan it, this is almost certainly the case in the minds of many more than would admit it....


So, whilst people do see cultural changes and do see open statements from groups like Islam4uk, there WILL be people who want to get together to make a statement that they simply do not want the country changing.


Whilst the UK may have had a factor in changing other countries and cultures of the years, two wrongs do not make a right.

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I love the EDL supporters, they are fantastic.

You call me stereotypical yet you are stereotyping me when you don't even know me from adam


I don't know who Adam is but I bet I can stereotypically stereotype you after I've had some kip.

Keep buying the Merch, it's the only thing that will save this country.


Whats going to happen now the BNP are going to go militant and get in on the EDLs action?

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Nice thought.....very delicate situation...


Of course remember that this is a country that 60 years ago was not multicultural, and we did have our own distinct culture or identity....


So as will and does happen in any culture, people as a whole will want to protect and preserve that. I would say that whilst many people think they may be better than this and bemoan it, this is almost certainly the case in the minds of many more than would admit it....


So, whilst people do see cultural changes and do see open statements from groups like Islam4uk, there WILL be people who want to get together to make a statement that they simply do not want the country changing.


Whilst the UK may have had a factor in changing other countries and cultures of the years, two wrongs do not make a right.


Well the issue is effectiveness. How effective in removing islam4uk/alghurraba/al muhajiroun has the EDL been?


Not at all. Do I want islam4uk wandering around insulting our soldiers and calling for jihad? No. Are the EDL doing anything to stop them doing this? No. Are the EDL actualy recruiting muslim radicals. Very likely. Are the EDL fit for their stated purpose? No.


Lets go and show how much we hate fascists/want working people to fund our student fees/don't like mussies demonstators are all just a cost to the taxpayer and achieve bugger all other than damaging the causes they claim to support.

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Of course remember that this is a country that 60 years ago was not multicultural, and we did have our own distinct culture or identity....





So a pit village in Yorkshire had the same identity and culture as the leafy suburbs of Surbiton?


Come on - I remember as a lad when folk from Armthorpe, Edlington, Rossington, Askern, Balby etc etc all thought they were different and had a scrap whenever they came across each other.


Sheffield and Barnsley were foreign in them days. OK so Rovverum had fallen off the map and we all thought "Here be Dragons" started at Maltby.

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Well that shows what a stereotypical numpty you are doesn't it read Frank Sidneys post he is right in what he says i am an ordinary person who is angered by these extremeists in the way they disrespect our dead troops and their families they are a disgrace.


Are you going to tell me that the troops families some of which support the EDL are football loving hooligan skin head dumb ass idiots then?.


Just who the hell do you think you are to say that i incite hatred when i have friends who are muslims you clown :loopy: as i have already stated i am not against ordinary law abiding muslim citizens who want to integrate into society so i suggest you keep your pathetic stereotypical comments to yourself.


lol so when you lump muslims together as extremists and not being british etc etc you are not creating racist stereotypes then?

I am far from a clown unlike yourself I am a decent intelligent law abiding citizen who can see past colour or race and by the way it's always morons like you who say i'm not racist but or I've got muslim friends etc etc you sicken me. Go get a life and perhaps try talking to some actual muslims not your imaginary muslim friends.

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You knew full well what i meant anyway it's about time the muslim community came out made a stand against these extremeist morons.


so you think the edl will achieve this by aggravating innocent people by marching on their doorsteps causing fear mayhem and distrust, the edl do nothing but alienate muslims.

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You aint got no muslim friends who know you are in the edl so don't bother trying to pass that one off just as the racists always say I'm not a racist because I have black friends etc etc :rolleyes:

The edl are now a recruiting sargent for the extremists, all you have done by declaring your support for the edl is shown how uninteligent you are and it's daft calling others a stereotypical numpty when you yourself fit the description perfectly.


Have you noticed how people are always saying i'm not racist but or I have black/jewish/asian/muslim friends.

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Yes i do have muslim friends who know i support the EDL thanks you very much:loopy: so basically you are calling me a racist when you don't even know me that figures :roll: just typical of the pc bridgade on this forum.


You call me unintelligent yet can't even spell the word :hihi:I am entitled to my opinion and beliefs whether you or the rest of the pc bridgade.


You call me stereotypical yet you are stereotyping me when you don't even know me from adam :roll:


None of which adresses any the points though does it Mark?

You've neatly sidestepped a lot of evidence that your EDL pals are racists, football thugs and disenfranchised whiteboys looking for a fight.


On another thread you said, speaking about anti muslim anger -


''It wont last forever, people will eventualy see what the crack is then the brown stuff is gonna hit the swirly thing.

Cant wait personally. I think its long overdue.''


So, you're unable to say what good the EDL actually do, how their behaviour can actually improve the situation either of muslims or the white working class you claim to be protecting...and to top it off you seem to be looking forward to the opportunity to gloat over and presumably join in with civil unrest and violence.



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Yes i do have muslim friends who know i support the EDL thanks you very much:loopy: so basically you are calling me a racist when you don't even know me that figures :roll: just typical of the pc bridgade on this forum.


You call me unintelligent yet can't even spell the word :hihi:I am entitled to my opinion and beliefs whether you or the rest of the pc bridgade.


You call me stereotypical yet you are stereotyping me when you don't even know me from adam :roll:


Ah the PC Brigade argument - its typical of facists and racists to use this tactic - label anyone who disagrees with them as being part of a PC conspiracy against them.


Do you include the Daily Mail in that 'Brigade' now? Odd how the EDL usually loves the Mail - until they expose them for the racist thugs and football hooligans that they are.


Why does Sheffield forum not ban racist thugs like you?

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