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English Defence League?

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lol so when you lump muslims together as extremists and not being british etc etc you are not creating racist stereotypes then?

I am far from a clown unlike yourself I am a decent intelligent law abiding citizen who can see past colour or race and by the way it's always morons like you who say i'm not racist but or I've got muslim friends etc etc you sicken me. Go get a life and perhaps try talking to some actual muslims not your imaginary muslim friends.


You are a clown because you are personally insulting me because i don't agree with you or your beliefs, you need to get down off your high horse and stop judgeing me when you don't know what your talking about.


Who do you think you are telling me to get a life when you don't know me at all it's judgemental morons like you that cannot accept peoples right to opinion that bring this forum down.


I suggest you get a life and stop telling me what to do :loopy: my friends are not imaginary at all so i suggest you keep your snotty nosed comments to your self you obviously aren't that intelligent at all if you can't accept peoples opinions and beliefs.

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so you think the edl will achieve this by aggravating innocent people by marching on their doorsteps causing fear mayhem and distrust, the edl do nothing but alienate muslims.


How is a march extremeist scum going to aggrevate innocent people exactly.

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None of which adresses any the points though does it Mark?

You've neatly sidestepped a lot of evidence that your EDL pals are racists, football thugs and disenfranchised whiteboys looking for a fight.


On another thread you said, speaking about anti muslim anger -


''It wont last forever, people will eventualy see what the crack is then the brown stuff is gonna hit the swirly thing.

Cant wait personally. I think its long overdue.''


So, you're unable to say what good the EDL actually do, how their behaviour can actually improve the situation either of muslims or the white working class you claim to be protecting...and to top it off you seem to be looking forward to the opportunity to gloat over and presumably join in with civil unrest and violence.





They stand up for troops and their families and stand up for our country unlike the PC brigade and our clueless Government who should have stamped out the problem of extremeists years ago.


The trouble with our country is it's too soft if they are proven to be extremeist supporters they should be put on a plane and sent packing simple as that they deserve no human rights.


If the Government had tackled this problem years back there would be no need for the EDL but things are coming to a head now because alot of people are saying enough is enough and have had enough of our Government pussyfooting around with these scumbags.


Civil unrest and violence :hihi: don't make me laugh if you wan't to see some civil unrest and violence look at what's happening in Greece because they have had enough about other issues.

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Yes (non-white skin):loopy:.






You did that with comments such as:



How is that racist :loopy: i am stating a fact if they don't wan't to integrate into our society and live in peace they know where the door is what is racist about that.

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Nope - the EDL are a racist Nazi gang.



What a complete retard you are we are not Nazis or racist so get your facts right before you start making wild accusations.


we are not even right wing and that is coming from The new head of police domestic extremist units.



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How is a march extremeist scum going to aggrevate innocent people exactly.


eh is that english?


how is a march AGAINST extremist scum going to aggravate innocent people exactly?


oh come on mark use yer brain, if 500 muslims marched outside your house shouting all whites out or similer types of things youd be aggravated, even if they reckoned it was supposedly targetting extremists. which in fairness placards such as "no more mosques" etc seems to target islam as a whole and NOT just extremists.


you still havent answered my question from the other day yet i dont think, post here

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eh is that english?


how is a march AGAINST extremist scum going to aggravate innocent people exactly?


oh come on mark use yer brain, if 500 muslims marched outside your house shouting all whites out or similer types of things youd be aggravated, even if they reckoned it was supposedly targetting extremists. which in fairness placards such as "no more mosques" etc seems to target islam as a whole and NOT just extremists.


you still havent answered my question from the other day yet i dont think, post here


Having problems with my keyboard that's why it appeared that i missed out against :hihi:


We have the right to march wherever we like just because muslims may live in that area doesn't mean we shouldn't march through that area.


Where is the thread slagging off the MDL & UAF eh? funny how i have never seen a thread with you lot slagging them lot off i wonder why :roll:

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They stand up for troops and their families and stand up for our country unlike the PC brigade and our clueless Government who should have stamped out the problem of extremeists years ago.


In what way do they stand up for our country and troops? Putting on a football shirt, hoodie, trashing the streets of Britain and aggravating perfectly law abiding citizens is only capable of creating disorder where little or none existed previously.


I wonder what an EDL member would say to a Muslim serviceman, or the families of Muslim servicemen who fought for this country and those who lost their lives in WWII?



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Having problems with my keyboard that's why it appeared that i missed out against :hihi:


We have the right to march wherever we like just because muslims may live in that area doesn't mean we shouldn't march through that area.


Where is the thread slagging off the MDL & UAF eh? funny how i have never seen a thread with you lot slagging them lot off i wonder why :roll:


they HAVE been slagged off plenty of times, normally in EDL threads lol. Your answer of we have the right to march doesnt answer my question tho. Do you think it works, hundreds of mainly white male english people marching around predominently muslim areas, does it STOP extremism? or does it fill people with fear and hatred and give the extreme muslims more possible fodder to exploit next?


i suppose im saying are you actually making a difference or adding to the problem, cos tbh to me it looks like your only adding to the problem, which to me looks like the EDLs actual aim, cause trouble and help along the civil war

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In what way do they stand up for our country and troops? Putting on a football shirt, hoodie, trashing the streets of Britain and aggravating perfectly law abiding citizens is only capable of creating disorder where little or none existed previously.


I wonder what an EDL member would say to a Muslim serviceman, or the families of Muslim servicemen who fought for this country and those who lost their lives in WWII?





You should ask the troops and their families who support the EDL, can't any of you from the PC brigade actually post without stereotyping people i don't go round putting on a football shirt and a hoody and go round smashing the streets of britain up.


What you dont realise is i have respect for anyone that fought for our country during the world wars if it wasn't for brave people like them we wouldn't be here today it doesn't matter what race or religion you are.

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