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English Defence League?

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They stand up for troops and their families and stand up for our country unlike the PC brigade and our clueless Government who should have stamped out the problem of extremeists years ago.


How exactly does chanting slogans and running about like tools help our servicemen and women and their families?


The trouble with our country is it's too soft if they are proven to be extremeist supporters they should be put on a plane and sent packing simple as that they deserve no human rights.



If the Government had tackled this problem years back there would be no need for the EDL but things are coming to a head now because alot of people are saying enough is enough and have had enough of our Government pussyfooting around with these scumbags.




There you go again sounding off like a hooligan, a thug. What you really mean, but are probably scared to say, is that you think it's time some of you and your mates went and gave some pakistanis a good kicking.

Sick, sick, sick.

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I don't think that it is. My West Indian neighbour hates Muslims, especially newly arrived immigrants from Pakistan and Bangladesh. I preach tolerance and respect to him, but to no avail.


So why mention 'white English population' at all-that was mainly my point, unless you'd like to see the back of your West Indian neighbour as much as the Muslims you both detest?

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Yes i do remember that but that is down to the police who are thugs in uniform kettling causes more trouble simple as.


..that's as maybe, but the police have the legal right to detain people that way, in other words you, me, students or mouth frothing Muslims and EDL members do not have the freedom to march where they like despite what you said earlier.

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So a pit village in Yorkshire had the same identity and culture as the leafy suburbs of Surbiton?


Come on - I remember as a lad when folk from Armthorpe, Edlington, Rossington, Askern, Balby etc etc all thought they were different and had a scrap whenever they came across each other.


Sheffield and Barnsley were foreign in them days. OK so Rovverum had fallen off the map and we all thought "Here be Dragons" started at Maltby.


You know what? You are ABSOLUTELY bang on......people in general like to be part of a group. Whether it's race, town, music, religion, footy, whatever!! They will almost always look down and conflict with each other......like chavs and emos, United and that other team in Sheffield, Yorkshire and Derbyshire.....goes on and on.


So is it a good thing when there are more groups in the same area? Honestly, you decide.

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