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English Defence League?

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Good for you.




Why do you? What's the relevance of that? Are you saying you have? What does that say about you apart from 'anger issues'?


What anger issues i don't have any anger issues at all you don't know what your talking about simple as.

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Here is a link about two EDL thugs (Oooopsy :P) who have been given a ten year ban from joining in protests outside their home city. They both pleaded guilty to using threatening behaviour at their protests in March & May. Price was sentenced to 12 weeks & Keyes was fined £150.

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Here's some more of your anger fuelled hatepigs in action.





A rather good demonstration of both why the EDL are highly unlikely to be turning any muslims away from extremism and why containment/kettling policing of demos is far better than that chaotic alternative.

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What a complete retard you are we are not Nazis or racist so get your facts right before you start making wild accusations.


we are not even right wing and that is coming from The new head of police domestic extremist units.





hmmm If calling someone you do not know a retard isn't a personal insult i don't know what is.


Ps you are a racist FACT accept it and move on

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You should ask the troops and their families who support the EDL, can't any of you from the PC brigade actually post without stereotyping people i don't go round putting on a football shirt and a hoody and go round smashing the streets of britain up.


What you dont realise is i have respect for anyone that fought for our country during the world wars if it wasn't for brave people like them we wouldn't be here today it doesn't matter what race or religion you are.


I'm not racist but..........

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