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English Defence League?

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i have the right to voice my opinion just as you do. But i would never join a group that waves 'burn in hell' and that support terrorist activities. But i support the EDL since this happened




I have many Asian friends, but they are well behaved and respect the law


and your 'asian friends' (i presume you mean muslim - the vast majority of south asians are hindus, along with sikhs and christians) are going to be spared the hatred and violence when the EDL turn up are they? when some drunk neo nazi sees one of your asian friends or their mother or their grandad or their daughter on an incursion into their neighbourhood they aren't going to attack them or call them a **** or scream some other kind of abuse - grow up! do your 'asian friends' exist? do they know you support an organization that organizes to terrify and attack them? if they exist (which i guess they don't - racists and thugs always say 'i'm not racist but..'. or ' I've got black/asian friends but...') ask them what they feel abpout bus loads of brownshirts turning up hellbent on violence as they go about their business - in Ramadan of course, if they're muslims.


the EDL are brownshirt thugs and if you support them so are you.

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and your 'asian friends' (i presume you mean muslim - the vast majority of south asians are hindus, along with sikhs and christians) are going to be spared the hatred and violence when the EDL turn up are they? when some drunk neo nazi sees one of your asian friends or their mother or their grandad or their daughter on an incursion into their neighbourhood they aren't going to attack them or call them a **** or scream some other kind of abuse - grow up! do your 'asian friends' exist? do they know you support an organization that organizes to terrify and attack them? if they exist (which i guess they don't - racists and thugs always say 'i'm not racist but..'. or ' I've got black/asian friends but...') ask them what they feel abpout bus loads of brownshirts turning up hellbent on violence as they go about their business - in Ramadan of course, if they're muslims.


the EDL are brownshirt thugs and if you support them so are you.


Well if you say im a thug, then i must be......:loopy:

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Well if you say im a thug, then i must be......:loopy:


you're frightened of discussion and debate, you respond to argument with the 'loony' symbol cos you're more drawn to the idea of taking the streets, giving it to them, establishing control by violence, answer me back in words - I dare you - answer the points (IF YOU CAN) how does the organization you support differentiate (that means tell the difference between) brown skinned south asians who are 1. muslim or non muslim 2. supportive or not of extremism.

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you're frightened of discussion and debate, you respond to argument with the 'loony' symbol cos you're more drawn to the idea of taking the streets, giving it to them, establishing control by violence, answer me back in words - I dare you - answer the points (IF YOU CAN) how does the organization you support differentiate (that means tell the difference between) brown skinned south asians who are 1. muslim or non muslim 2. supportive or not of extremism.


Im not frightened of a discussion, if i was i wouldnt have put that i support the EDL but being called a thug from the start proves you cant have raise a point without saying anyone who supports the EDL are thugs......simple

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i have the right to voice my opinion just as you do. But i would never join a group that waves 'burn in hell' and that support terrorist activities. But i support the EDL since this happened




I have many Asian friends, but they are well behaved and respect the law


Many normal muslims who just want to get on with their lives hugely voiced their opinion against Islam4uk and its so called leader Anjum Choudary.


The general muslims in Luton even told them to stop or face further anger and opposition from within...


However I still don't think holding up placards is menacing and after all, freedom of speech and all that...I do think the video below of EDL and members gives a more menacing and worrying picture- given half the chance these guys will commit terror (like some BNP members who have been apprehended before they carried out potential terrorist attacks- just you have to search deep to find the stories as many media outlets don't like to make it headline news)...



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Many normal muslims who just want to get on with their lives hugely voiced their opinion against Islam4uk and its so called leader Anjum Choudary.


The general muslims in Luton even told them to stop or face further anger and opposition from within...


However I still don't think holding up placards is menacing and after all, freedom of speech and all that...I do think the video below of EDL and members gives a more menacing and worrying picture- given half the chance these guys will commit terror (like some BNP members who have been apprehended before they carried out potential terrorist attacks- just you have to search deep to find the stories as many media outlets don't like to make it headline news)...




i dont use or carry knives or guns, and i dont agree with thugery or threats of violence esp if someone doesn't agree with me....and they are nothing but thugs in that clip.


But just to call me a thug because i supoort the EDL isnt correct. (and how many other people who are reading this would say they support the EDL on a forum if they did???????)

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i have the right to voice my opinion just as you do. But i would never join a group that waves 'burn in hell' and that support terrorist activities. But i support the EDL since this happened




I have many Asian friends, but they are well behaved and respect the law


You will find that the majority of people don't join a group that waves burn in hell banners or support terrorist activities.

If you have asian friends than they don't know you support the edl otherwise they woudn't be your friends anymore.

Are you saying that most asians don't behave and respect the law but the ones you are friends with do?

Anyone who says they support the edl is advertising the fact that they are of low intelligence by admiting supporting a group whose only aim is to cause trouble and participate in violence after getting tanked up on booze.

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No surrender, Wolves, Combat 18.


How more sexed up can you get?:hihi::hihi: They just look like beer swilling let's have a farting contest in front of the women type of numbskull.


As individuals these people generally have no impact on mine or your lives..losers who come together to do a lot of waffling, Sieg Heil'ing and posing for facebook with a breadknife. :roll:

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