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English Defence League?

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I live quite near Bradford, and can tell you that on a Saturday all the decent people of that city want to do is get on with their lives, no matter who they are.

I can guarantee that 90% of the trouble, if any should ensue, will be caused by offcomers.

It was the same last time.

They get these muslim lads wound up, spouting nonsense to them, and they go berserk.

It will have started yesterday at Friday prayers, and the tension will have been building overnight.

All it will need is a few skinhead fools to stir the merde up today and that will be the lot, once again.


I know mate, I live in Luton which is portrayed in the media as full of Muslim and White extremists at each others throats. Average Saturday afternoon in Luton every race and religion is getting on fine and because people are so useto diversity they don't have a problem iwth it apart from a small minorit.

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This is not really about British soldiers because the 20 or so anti war protesters were convicted and before that they were driven out of Bury Park by other Muslims for bringing trouble to the community. EDL know full well that this has happened but have continued going around the country chanting religious abuse and trying to cause riots.


They recently returned to Luton to support one of their members and started shouting religious abuse at ordinary people who looked somewhat Muslim which eventually lead to a stand of between ordinary Luton people and edl scum. However, the Muslims and non Muslims on the opposing side kept their cool and did not rise to edl provocation.


Remeber the edl was started by a bnp member and their objective is to to provoke race riots on a massive scale to start some kind of civil war in which they will emerge out of the ashes as the new leaders of Britain. Two BNP members were only recently convicted after being found with stock piles of explosives and plans to blow up mosques in order to provoke civil war.


The best way to deal with these scum is oppose them peacefully and not be provoked into violence.

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see this threads turning into an edl alike.

"pretend" your against extremist muslims when in fact its a thinly veiled attack on ALL muslims


And anyone else not to their liking. That means white.

I was watching their demo on TV this morning. I find it very hard to believe that lot aren't anything but a bunch of thugs out for a fight.


"Ban the Burkha" they shout through their masked faces,


Short planks avoid hanging round in pairs so they don't get mixed up with those idiots.

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  • 1 month later...


i don't really have political views but i did hear the leader of the EDL being interviewd on radio 2 yesterday and to be honest he talked a lot of sense..it was a breath of fresh air hearing someone defending brits and britain...


far too many of our lilly livered mp's bend over backwards for the minority as not to look racist.


incidentally my work mate who's dad is jamiacan also said the bloke was talking sense...

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