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So, Robert Mugabe has cancer?

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I wouldn't put it as just desserts but maybe it might make him have a long hard think about things that have happened/he has done in the past.


Mugabe will, as usual, think of nothing or nobody but himself.

Good riddance when he's gone.

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So it looks like Uncle Bob has cancer,,,, is this something we should look upon as "just desserts" for some-one who has inflicted un-believable suffering on thousands of innocent people, or show him some compassion for the fate he is about to endure?


i hope its slow and painful

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whats he done apart from kick the racist white farmners out of the country which then subjected him to the same type of media coverage as the muslim world gets showing him as a tyrant to his own people to justify sanctions possible military intervention ect ect.


the racists were the black 'war veterans' kicking farmers out because they were white. the farmers were farmers not activists. Anyway Zim has gone from bread basket of Africa to basket case since they chucked out the white farmers and replaced them with people who dont know how to farm. evil wicked nasty racist socialists.

the sooner he dies the better. dont care if its painful or not. just quick

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Mugabe is a cancer. An evil malignant tumour feeding off his country and its people for years. It would be comforting to think he suffers horribly before he dies as he has made millions of others suffer but he obviously can afford the best of palliative care so that's a vain hope.

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I think that Zimbabwe and her people need to be rid of Mugabe and really needed to be rid of him about 15 years ago. I don't doubt that Mugabe took the country by the scruff of its neck and got it out of the dreadful days after the civil war, but in the last 15 years he has done very little which is positive for the country or the people.


To anyone who approves of taking the land from the white farmers to give it to black workers- if the land produces all the food that your population needs and the tobacco and tea for export to support your economy then it's actually pretty suicidal to take the land away from those who know how to run the farms before giving the people who you're giving them to the knowledge on how to continue that production. I agree wholeheartedly that over time the situation with regard to the relative wealth of the white and black populations needed to be sorted out, but with some education and timing this could be done without bankrupting the whole country.


If Mugabe is not going to relinquish power voluntarily then Zimbabwe's best chance is for him to die naturally, so I've got my fingers crossed that there's a happy ending in all of this for the country and her citizens who are struggling so hard right now.

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