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Jihadists in uk jails

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it seems we are in the lull before the storm.


what is the solution?


i cant see one, without giving up on the liberties hard won by past generations. (somthing im not willing to support)


do we just put up with it?


Stop interfering in other people's countries who have absolutely nothing to do with us?

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Hmm, is that a threat? or do you really think what your saying would solve the violence?


I feel that a combination of illegal wars and supporting corrupt, cruel governments (mostly in search of oil/trying to stop Russia) has done us more harm than good.


We're the ones that armed the Taliban in the first place! They're using the guns we gave them to shoot the Russians to shoot our own soldiers. We're supporting the government of Saudi Arabia that stones people to death, as they have oil, while we criticise Iran for doing the exact same thing.


If I was a citizen of any of those countries i'd be justifiably furious at other countries interfering in my own countries affairs. This fury then often manifests itself in terrorism. We really shouldn't be surprised when it happens.

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I feel that a combination of illegal wars and supporting corrupt, cruel governments (mostly in search of oil/trying to stop Russia) has done us more harm than good.


We're the ones that armed the Taliban in the first place! They're using the guns we gave them to shoot the Russians to shoot our own soldiers. We're supporting the government of Saudi Arabia that stones people to death, as they have oil, while we criticise Iran for doing the exact same thing.


If I was a citizen of any of those countries i'd be justifiably furious at other countries interfering in my own countries affairs. This fury then often manifests itself in terrorism. We really shouldn't be surprised when it happens.


everything you have said is valid, oil the cold war, stupidity. however why do jihadists want an islamic world and wont stop until they get it. the whole illegal wars thing does not ring true. to me its just jinggoistic soundbites.

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The Ministry of Justice disagrees with the report.


Firstly in terms of numbers and secondly on the view that prison radicalises people significantly more than can happen anywhere else.




s.hawkins, in your OP you say you are reluctant to give up any civil liberties. That is good because, it is our civil liberties that are one of the most important weapons against extremism. As Liberty point out:


The idea of young male grievance – in and out of prison and among any demographic group – is not a new one. But grievance can be rendered more or less toxic, legitimate and infectious by the actions of communities, democratic societies and government security policy. We have surely learned from past experience of terrorism the dangers of isolating communities and helping those who recruit for a twisted cause.


We can never salve all grievance, but we can make it less likely to flourish with fatal consequences. Terrorism, after all, feeds on fear, division and disenchantment. Our response needs to be intelligent, measured and united around the rule of law that terrorism seeks to undermine. Sensible counsel must prevail over the counsellors of despair.



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