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Instead of making everyone in country unemployed..

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I think it's soundbites mixed with an attempt to rewrite history. What about you?


"We created jobs for young people,"


The government does not and cannot create jobs.


" cut VAT"


and put it back up again long before the election - and it needs to go up again to 1/5th of the price of almost everything to pay for the lost revenue of the cut an the interest we've had to pay to plug that gap. The Labour government would have put VAT up too.


"Of course we have to reduce the deficit."


Shame this never occurred to you while you were involved in wasting billions you knew we didn't have. Getting value for money is not something you should only do when you run out of money. You either never knew this, or forgot it. Neither is reassuring.


"And instead of increasing VAT ..."


Why did your government put it back up to 17.5% then, rather than implementing the measures you now propose?

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I think it's soundbites mixed with an attempt to rewrite history. What about you?


"We created jobs for young people,"


The government does not and cannot create jobs.


" cut VAT"


and put it back up again long before the election - and it needs to go up again to 1/5th of the price of almost everything to pay for the lost revenue of the cut an the interest we've had to pay to plug that gap. The Labour government would have put VAT up too.


"Of course we have to reduce the deficit."


Shame this never occurred to you while you were involved in wasting billions you knew we didn't have. Getting value for money is not something you should only do when you run out of money. You either never knew this, or forgot it. Neither is reassuring.


"And instead of increasing VAT ..."


Why did your government put it back up to 17.5% then, rather than implementing the measures you now propose?


It doesnt matter how much you tories rant and rave.

Accept it that this is your last chance at government.

You should have romped home what with the media onslaught on Labour in general and Gordon Brown in pacticular.

But the British people hate and despise your tawdry set up.

Thatcher has never been, and never will be, forgiven.

The only way these sad fools could take power was by joining with a 'party' that had been hammered into the ground, because of its pathetic leader.


In four or so years time, the tories will have gone from power, never to return, you are finished, your hubris has been your demise.


But in the interim we will have to suffer the adolescent antics of Cameron and Osborne as they willfully slash at all that confronts them.

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I think it's soundbites mixed with an attempt to rewrite history. What about you?


"We created jobs for young people,"


The government does not and cannot create jobs.


That is obviously untrue.


" cut VAT"


and put it back up again long before the election - and it needs to go up again to 1/5th of the price of almost everything to pay for the lost revenue of the cut an the interest we've had to pay to plug that gap. The Labour government would have put VAT up too.


"Of course we have to reduce the deficit."


Shame this never occurred to you while you were involved in wasting billions you knew we didn't have. Getting value for money is not something you should only do when you run out of money. You either never knew this, or forgot it. Neither is reassuring.


You don't seem to have grasped that all economists including the Tories were in agreement that public spending was needed to keep the economy going and prevent a wasteland of business going to the wall because of a lack of the availability of credit.



"And instead of increasing VAT ..."


Why did your government put it back up to 17.5% then, rather than implementing the measures you now propose?


Because they were managing the deficit in a balanced and considered way.

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Here is an alternative to the Tory plan of turning the country into a playground for Eaton Bully Boys. What do we think?




His Bloomberg speech sets out in more detail what he is campaigning on. He seems to be saying all the right things and pointing out the obvious flaws and dangers in the approach the current Govt is taking.



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It doesnt matter how much you tories rant and rave.

Accept it that this is your last chance at government.

You should have romped home what with the media onslaught on Labour in general and Gordon Brown in pacticular.

But the British people hate and despise your tawdry set up.

Thatcher has never been, and never will be, forgiven.

The only way these sad fools could take power was by joining with a 'party' that had been hammered into the ground, because of its pathetic leader.


In four or so years time, the tories will have gone from power, never to return, you are finished, your hubris has been your demise.


But in the interim we will have to suffer the adolescent antics of Cameron and Osborne as they willfully slash at all that confronts them.


Let it go mate . your beloved Labour are finished , people have seen them for what they are - USELESS. :hihi:


Weather its one of the Milipede brothers or one of the others who take charge , its only rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic .:D

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Let it go mate . your beloved Labour are finished , people have seen them for what they are - USELESS. :hihi:


Weather its one of the Milipede brothers or one of the others who take charge , its only rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic .:D


I think you have that on its head, dog.

It is the tories who are a spent force.

They had an open goal, prepared for months by the press and other media, and still could not suceed.

You are finished, washed up, finito, kaput.

Forget ever forming a proper government.

You are now, and ever shall be, associatted with the greatest traitor this country has ever known.


She caused more destruction than Hitler, and sold all our wealth off to the highest bidder.

She, and by extention, you, will never be forgiven.

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