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Owd Tram Conductors & Conductresses


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Does anyone remember travelling on the old trams and the Conductors?


There must be a million stories of experinces on the trams as they were great.


There was a different atmosphere riding on them, something missing on today's buses & Supertrams.


Does anyone remember the Conductor loading the silver coins into his 2 coin holders

and shaking his/her money bag to sort out the coins?


Lets be hearing from all you oldies?


Happy Days PopT

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I was a conductor on the trams in 1952ish, we used to get about 10 bobs worth of change to start us off and I left mine on the mantle piece one morning, I was the first tram out that morning and I overslept. The inspector jumped on and asked me for the change, I hadn't got it, I got reported and they wanted to fine me a shilling but I told the driver, he went mad and they all threatened to strike if the boss went along with the fine. I never paid it and left that friday after I'd got my pay packet.

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the old trams were brilliant and they went to places everywhere in sheffield and rotherham,the rotherham trams were single ended and they set of and returned to exchange st.when we were kids it was fun to run down the stairs and jump on the bell,the conductor must heard bells in his sleep!we always wanted to sit in the bays upstairs sod the smoke we could see more.Its hard to imagine these days that a lot of the old trams and buses used to be garaged where the hsbc bank now stands on tenter st.

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I worked with Ivy Walsh on occassions when she was a conductress on the buses and she was great fun, all the older clients would stop and talk to her about old times and when she returned to the front of the bus I used to ask her if it was right she worked on the trams and the reply I got is not printable.When I was much younger returning from the baths to school on the tram and Ivy was working it she always looked smart and efficient, Ivy was always polite to clients although some could rag her and then it was look out as her language sometime even made me blush. Truely a character but a well loved one. Another character of that ilk was Tommy Ward he could get a bus going in the right order he only had to say a few words and the bus then erupted into conversation on many subjects, another was George Hinnell a rather rotund gentleman it baffled me how he got round the bus to collect his fares but he did.

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When coming downstairs on the tram we would always stamp on the bell just behind the driver, can't imagine what went through his mind......................well I can really!!!!.The drivers and conductors were always good fun and very patient, or is that want I want to remember?!!

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Hi PopT - my father was a tramdriver for a good many years, in fact as long as I could remember. He was based as Tenter St sheds and then for a long time at Crookes sheds quite near the school I went to (Crookes Endowed). He was on duty o the night of the big blitz in Sheffield and we were worried to death. I thought I was the bees knees to have a dad that drove a tram and sometimes I would go into the sheds with him and see all the other trams and meet the drivers and conducters. He finished his stint with the Corporation in the little hut on Pinstone St where there were two lots of tracks going down the Moor and he changed the points for the tram to go on the right track. I also went with him to the Social Club for the members and watch the men playing snooker. I think thats where I got my love of snooker from - ah happy memories.

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my grandad was a tram driver in the 20s i can recall mumsaying something about he drove the first tram out of tinsley sheds or something to that effect sadly i could never ask him as he died 2 years before i was born and mum has passed away aswell so these are only vague memories

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