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Dogs attack young girl in Scotland

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I think one report said she got her dogs and got into a taxi with them and was driven off but was later traced by police. Nice responsible human being.


If this is true, then it says a lot about the dogs' owner. She clearly knew she was in the wrong. How very gracious of her that she has given her permission for the dogs to be put to sleep. How long, I wonder, before she gets new doggies?

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I don't believe you can entirely control any dog, they all still have a bit of the wolf in them, so even a dog thats been trained correctly and is normally dosile can, IMO, snap and turn nasty for no reason, it's just the way all dogs are, and it's beyond the control of the owner.


I just posted this straight to the end fo the thread, I didn't read it, I imagine by page 3 people are getting quite hysterical, as usual.

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I don't believe you can entirely control any dog, they all still have a bit of the wolf in them, so even a dog thats been trained correctly and is normally dosile can, IMO, snap and turn nasty for no reason, it's just the way all dogs are, and it's beyond the control of the owner.


I just posted this straight to the end fo the thread, I didn't read it, I imagine by page 3 people are getting quite hysterical, as usual.


I think most caring people would be hysterical if a child is involved.

anyone know of any chidren biting dogs .

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I think most caring people would be hysterical if a child is involved.

anyone know of any chidren biting dogs .


why do you only wish to hear about children biting dogs:suspect:


I suspect there are many more cases of dog abuse by humans than the other way around-in conclusion (as always) humans are the problem!

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As a owner of a rotty I can honestly say , yes they could be dangerous, mine isnt, hes old and diabetic and blind , but even when he was young he wasnt nasty but i always kept him on the lead whilst out in busy places and my garden is very secure, 6ft fence all the way round and 2 locked gates. Theres a discussion on AOL about this and some idiot said its only un intelligent, dole dwelling, council scum that have this breed! The reason i picked this breed is i like big dogs, I personally dont like little fluffy yappy dogs, thats my choice, the world we live in now isnt very nice and people do get burgled, So me and my big dog are safe, no one is going to break into my home with him around, He is a pet, he has never been trained to be nasty or aggressive and yes i trust him! Now ofcourse if this breed was put in the wrong hands it would be dangerous and could kill but thats the owners fault not the dogs, If we could count the amount of rotties in this country and mark that against how many have bitten it wouldnt be more than any other breed. Yes i love my rotty and hate it when people "Tar" all rotties with the same brush because everyone believes it and not ALL rotties are nasty

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Well said.

I've had many a 'discussion' with rottie fans in the past on this forum. They can't seem to understand that Rottweilers are ANIMALS and as such unpredictable. The sheer size and power of these dogs make them able to seriously hurt whatever they choose to attack. The 'discussion' then usually follows the 'I know a westie/yorkie/jack russell who bit people at every opportunity' route.

Now, if you had to be bitten by a dog what would you choose, a westie or a rottweiler?

The bottom line is that those who own Rottweilers don't seem able to accept the dangerous capability of their animals. Most owners of these animals are responsible and keep them on leads, behind locked gates etc but there are a huge number of idiots who don't. I'm pretty sure the woman who owned the rotties in the latest attack thought she knew her pets and was convinced they wouldn't hurt a fly, which is presumably why they were running apparently loose.

that's right bagger - discussion of the danger big powerful dogs pose is always derailed by the dog lobby with the same (often bizarre) arguments eg chihuahas can be aggressive, it's the owners not the dogs etc - very similar to the gun brigade .

I had a depresssing afternoon on the animal lovers post on here, presume it's still there, when i had the temerity to discuss my daughter's friend being face mauled by a staffy/pit type thing (presume it's still there) NOT ONE of the dog fans asked how the child was throughout the whole afternoon, cos they see the odd child's death or face being scarred as a price worth paying to have huge aggressive dogs about our cities

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First and foremost my deepest sympathies to the girl. I hope she has a speedy recovery and isn't traumatised for life over this. On the subject of rotties, how many of the "haters" on here have actually been in the company of a properly trained rottie? Honest truth hands up held a big strong rottie on a lead, walked to the shops with 1, sat with it while it attends a tea party in a makeshift tent with a 4 yr old? I'd put money not 1. So rather than argue your side that rotties are dangerous without personal experience why not try to educate yourself rather than going on what the media hype up. How many kids are killed/injured chasing a football into the road? ban football?


John Bunting, Robert Wagner and James Vlassakis: AKA "Bodies in the Barrels Murders"; convicted of the Snowtown murders of 11 people between 1992 and 1999


John Wayne Glover: AKA "The Granny Killer"; killed six elderly women on Sydney's North Shore; committed suicide in 2005


John Martin Crawford: convicted in 1996 for the murders of three women


John Reginald Halliday Christie: killed at least six women (including his wife) between 1943 and 1953 and hid the bodies in his house. He has been implicated in the murders of one other woman and her infant child, of which Christie's fellow tenant, Timothy Evans, was convicted in 1950


John Duffy and David Mulcahy: AKA the "Railway Killers"; killed three women near railway stations in the 1980s


John George Haigh: AKA the "Acid Bath Murderer" and the "Vampire of London"; active in England during the 1940s; convicted of six murders, but claimed to have killed nine; executed in 1949


John Straffen: child killer and Britain's longest serving prisoner until his death on November 19, 2007


John Norman Collins: committed in Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor between 1967 and 1969


John Wayne Gacy: AKA "Killer Clown"; killer of at least 33 men and boys; kept bodies buried under his Chicago home




so everyone called john is a serial killer; it says so on wikipedia :huh::huh::huh::huh::huh::huh: so lets kill everyone called John? Just to be safe!



seriously come to next years rottiefest http://www.rottiefest.co.uk/1.html

i'd be more than happy to drive you there and see with your own eyes (not something you read in a paper / heard down the pub) just how good a dog these are when PROPERLY TRAINED (like any dog)

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